Unknown Planet Theme GOWeather
8.4 105
v1.1 por Freedom Design
Unknown Planet Theme supports 4*1, 4*2, 2*1 sizes. It delivers the most accurate weather information from anywhere at any time.
❤Hot to use the theme
After you download and installing the theme,
1. Enter GO Weather EX --> Theme --> Installed --> choose the theme your desired --> Apply
2. Choose pay with Google Checkout or Free with Getjar Gold
3. If you choose Getjar Gold, there will be several apps listed. Just download whatever apps you want until you have enough golds to purchase the theme.
4. After purchase, go back to Installed --> choose the theme --> Apply
❤How to add a System Widget?
1. Long press empty home space or click Menu --> Add --> Widgets --> Find GO Weather EX Widgets anc choose the size your desire
2. Make sure you have enough space for placing the widgets
Nombre de paquete:
Fecha de actualización:
Última versión:
Pedir actualización:
Android 2.2+
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