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Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)

8.0 58

v11.9 by Daniel Schott


Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)の詳細

Daniel Schottからリリースされた『Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)』はカスタマイズアプリだ。apkpure.fo/jpから『Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)』のスクリーンショット、詳細情報などを確認できる。apkpure.fo/jpではDaniel Schottより配信したアプリを簡単に検索して見つけることができる。『Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)』に似ているアプリや類似アプリは4個を見つける。現在の価格:$1.49。『Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat)』のAndroid要件は7.0 and upなので、ご注意ください。APKPure.foあるいはGooglePlayから『Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat) apk』の最新バージョンを高速、安全にダウンロードできる。apkpure.fo/jpでは全てのAPK/XAPKファイルがオリジナルなものなので、高速、安全にダウンロードできる。
Don't apply status bar icons overlay on Oreo and Pie, because they can only partially be themed and therefore some icons disappear when that overlay is applied on O!
100% self-made icons
The Theme works on:
- Android Nougat Custom Roms
- Android Oreo 8.0 Stock and Custom Roms
- Android Oreo 8.1 Stock and Custom Roms
- Android Pie 9.0 (still some small bugs but nothing dramatic)
- OxygenOS Oreo (partially with some bugs because i don't have a oneplus device myself to test)

This theme will NOT work on a Samsung device with Stock Rom
This theme works on Pixel/Nexus/Android One devices with Stock Android Oreo. On other devices like Sony/Nokia it only works partially/not at all with Stock Rom. Install at your own risk there
(I wouldn‘t apply status bar icons overlay on Oreo because the icons can only be partially themed)
I strongly advise you to only use this theme on OMS Roms
Use at your own risk on Nougat Stock/Legacy Roms! there can be small/big bugs, depending on your Rom/phone!
If you use ProjectFi: DON'T apply status bar icons overlay!

Beta versions in general are not supported.
They are updated to often and it's just impossible to keep up with

xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi are officially supported! It should work on lower dpi phones too but there might be some issues!
You can choose between 41 accent colors and 16 background colors
Find a list of themed apps here:
If you have any issues or requests don't hesitate to contact me via email!
follow me on Google+ for more info:
Thanks to the themer's chat for a lot of helpful input!!!
Thanks to David Wilson and his Open Source theme, which helped me massively with some overlays!
Compound for Substratum (Android Pie/Oreo/Nougat) 特徴









7.0 and up


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