Rymdkapselは、空間内の瞑想の戦略ゲームです。自分に挑戦:あなたの協力者は、銀河を探索し、最適な宇宙ステーションを建設する! 代わりにユニットの選択と格闘や敵に襲われ、あなたがあなたの宇宙ステーションを構築するために完全に集中することができます。 それは何Rymdkapselです。 "Rymdkapsel feels tailor-made for iOS in both form and function, and its elegant, subtle constituent parts nest within one another as neatly as its four-block tetrominos snap together along a space station corridor." - 5/5 stars, Joseph Leray, toucharcade.com "Some games nearly make me miss my subway stop. Some games tempt me to keep on playing them while I'm walking down the street. This is one of them." - Stephen Totilo, kotaku.com "The game punishes the greedy, and rewards the prudent. If you’re attentive, you’ll notice that there’s actually a happy medium between the two: optimal efficiency." - Ryan Rigney, wired.co.uk "Rymdkapsel combines spatial puzzling, tower defence and base-building into a brilliantly coherent and stylish whole." - Christian Donlan, eurogamer.net