7 Wonders (Package Name: com.rprod.sevenwonders) is developed by Repos Production and the latest version of 7 Wonders 2.1.0 was updated on January 30, 2023. 7 Wonders is in the category of Strategy. You can check all apps from the developer of 7 Wonders and find 147 alternative apps to 7 Wonders on Android. The current price of this app is $6.49. This app can be downloaded on 5.1 on APKPure.fo or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKPure.fo are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Strategy card game. Compete against players from all around the world in the digital adaptation of this multi-award winning tabletop game. Playable offline against the Artificial Intelligence. Internet connection required for online functionalities. Fast-paced, well-balanced and accessible strategy card game. Develop your military, scientific, commercial or civil domains… Choose your strategy and place your cards to develop your civilization and construct one the seven wonders of the world. The simple rules and the convenient tutorial will help you master the interface and the different game concepts to guarantee an incredible gaming experience. COMPETE ON EQUAL TERMS: There are no cards to collect, the drafting mechanism guarantees that players are on an equal footing each game. Your strategy will make the difference, not the size of your card collection. DON’T WAIT, JUST PLAY: All players act simultaneously, as such you do not wait for each other player to finish their turn. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: Sharpen your skills by playing against the A.I. MULTIPLAYER: Up to 7 players per game. GAME LENGTH: 5–8 Minutes Languages available: English French Spanish German Polish Dutch Italian
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