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Story & Post Saver for Instagram - IG downloader

1.0 2

v0.92 por Aromatic Nectarine

Sobre Instagram Saver

Do you ever wish to immortalize an Instagram story or post, and view it without needing constant internet connection?
Use this app to save both stories, and posts. Quickly save with just the touch of a few buttons.
Main Features :
✔ Save as many photos, videos, and stories as you like
✔ Familiar user interface
QuickSave by double-tapping on a saved post
✔ Fast download speed
✔ The app will make sure to get the highest quality version of the post possible
✔ Repost or share any post/story
Please do not use this app to save/repost stories and posts without the author's permission. Always ask for permission first!
Please respect Instagram's terms of use, linked below:
This application is not affiliated in any way with Instagram or any of their shareholders. This is a tool application, made for the Instagram app.

Atualização de Instagram Saver 0.92

Story saving is here! Make sure your Instagram account is linked in order to be able to use the feature.
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Recursos de Instagram Saver
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Android 5.0+

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