9.1 41
v1.07 von kittykuma
Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: b5e8d5d216311f8f6d5222a7cd28a06ce935324a
Size: 15.45 MB
What's New:
Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: db7f11e010e06753250fbb1a75a25b2da6b2efee
Size: 15.43 MB
What's New:
I'm a solo developer with basic programming skill, so the bug fix might took longer.
Thanks for your patience and support. :)
Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 75863c951cdf26e87aa4ac15b859abcacdb73b95
Size: 15.4 MB
What's New:
1.03 Bug fix:
*Calculated results will stay until user enter new number
*All conversion except currency still usable without internet
Thanks for users give feedback and suggestions.
Special thank to Professor Angles, Antonio
I'm a solo developer with basic programming skill, so the bug fix might took longer.
Thanks for your patience and support. :)
Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: d60bb7f0fc2970af0876cea404d570ea59fe983d
Size: 15.4 MB
What's New:
Thanks for all the users give feedback and suggestions.
Special thank to Professor Angles, Antonio, Kim ...
I'm a solo developer with basic programming skill, so the bug fix might took longer. Thanks for your patience and support. :)
Letzte Version:
Update brauchen:
Android 2.3.2+
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