9.7 10
Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.
9.7 10
Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.
9.6 110
念佛助手 1.4.18 is an Android Lifestyle app developed by 虹蓮. Explore 200 alternatives to 念佛助手.Intelligent counter, recording your daily reading of the number of times chanted, and carried back to share. Amitabha!
9.8 12
中医方剂 4.5.1 is an Android Health & Fitness app developed by Impression Mobile. Explore 136 alternatives to 中医方剂.A professional and practical Chinese medicine prescription application software, which introduces more than 400 prescriptions in detail, and provides convenient query interactive functions.
雨扬珍品YuYoung 24.12.0 is an Android Shopping app developed by 91APP, Inc. (Malaysia). Explore 180 alternatives to 雨扬珍品YuYoung.《雨扬珍品YuYoung》唯一官方认证APP,雨扬老师独家设计各式开运法宝,正宗开光加持、大型烟供法会、最新开运影音、命理信息!立即下载一次满足您心中一切祈愿!.
9.7 144
澈見幸福 4.12.4 is an Android Education app developed by Lucidity Media Co., Ltd.. Explore 200 alternatives to 澈見幸福.Find the happiness of life with Chejian. Extensive discussion, chanting, praise, endorsement, and learning together, unify all your needs, and create a learning course that is unique to you. Che see happiness helps you to the top of the pyramid!
9.8 61
念佛、拜佛記數器 1.47 is an Android Tools app developed by leeyichung. Explore 168 alternatives to 念佛、拜佛記數器.Playable Buddha recitation machine, Buddha ritual counter, timing function, automatic Buddha recitation counting.
9.7 12
正一經書 ZYB_20240830_2330 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by Windsails. Explore 200 alternatives to 正一經書.Asked the first choice is by the book.
9.2 826
觀音靈籤 is an Android Tools app developed by MZTIT. Explore 200 alternatives to 觀音靈籤.The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documents and records for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT.
8.4 33
国医堂-中医全科 8.0.3 is an Android Medical app developed by zydsoft. Explore 200 alternatives to 国医堂-中医全科.汇集近代国家级名老中医临床经验和五年制中医本科教学内容,采用现代人工智能技术结合传统中医辨证施治思想开发的智能化中医全科专家系统.
9.9 30
读典籍 1.2.9 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by cxcxcxcx. Explore 200 alternatives to 读典籍.Reading Classics App is an ancient text reader designed to transform the ancient text reading experience using the interactive features of electronic devices and artificial intelligence algorithms. No ads, free for ancient book lovers.
了一法師 1.49 is an Android Education app developed by 心靈環保慈悲基金會有限公司. Explore 200 alternatives to 了一法師.Do not cry, please sad to me. Do not anger, disappointment to me please. Do not be discouraged, please give me helpless.
7.8 8
中餐西餐食譜大全 2.5.2 is an Android Food & Drink app developed by THJHSoftware. Explore 200 alternatives to 中餐西餐食譜大全.Homemade delicious food, all in the collection of Chinese and Western food recipes.
佛教念诵合集 1.0.413 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by Iplussoft Technologies. Explore 200 alternatives to 佛教念诵合集.This app contains 17 Mahayana Buddhist Sutras with Pinyin and Tally Counter.
《心灵法门》念佛机 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by Iplussoft Technologies. Explore 200 alternatives to 《心灵法门》念佛机.The Buddha Chanting Machine app that plays 17 Buddhist Chants in different modes.
8.1 98
WTVM News 7.0.13 is an Android News & Magazines app developed by Gray Television, Inc.. Explore 200 alternatives to WTVM News.Breaking News, Weather, Sports, Local News, WTVM, News Leader 9.
Great Compassion Mantra 1.0.3 is an Android Music & Audio app developed by 「卢台长」观世音菩萨「心灵法门」 Guan Yin Citta Buddhism. Explore 165 alternatives to Great Compassion Mantra.Great Compassion Mantra version chanted by hundred people.
佛教入門叢書 1.7 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 朱昌森. Explore 200 alternatives to 佛教入門叢書.你想認識佛教嗎?你想了解佛法嗎? 有了它們,即使是佛教門外漢,也能一窺佛門堂奧。 通曉佛學的教材,了解佛法的資糧。.
9.1 24
手寫佛經 2.5 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by EverWisdom. Explore 197 alternatives to 手寫佛經.Allows you to read or copy Buddhist scriptures and mantras, and provide a Buddhist dictionary, including search tools and word tips in the scriptures. Contents include: Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Ten Mantras and other scriptures and commonly used mantras, as your portable Buddhist reference tool.
太上感應篇 2.0 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by C Want. Explore 200 alternatives to 太上感應篇.Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and the content is not embedded in any advertising!
9.4 12
南怀瑾全集 1.2.1 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by Cong Wang. Explore 200 alternatives to 南怀瑾全集.收录了南怀瑾儒,释,道家的书籍47本,各类散杂文30篇.
8.9 10
Mahayana Buddhists Sutra 1.9.4 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by J Walker. Explore 200 alternatives to Mahayana Buddhists Sutra.Mahayana Buddhist Sutra & Mantras in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
9.7 25
《楞嚴經》詳解 1.7 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 朱昌森. Explore 106 alternatives to 《楞嚴經》詳解.凡是有楞嚴經所在的地方,就是正法住世。楞嚴經沒有了,就是末法現前。楞嚴經是佛的真身,楞嚴經是佛的舍利,楞嚴經是佛的塔廟。.
幸福十小咒 1.3 is an Android Lifestyle app developed by Shih Syun Wong. Explore 200 alternatives to 幸福十小咒.十小咒咒語凝聚了十方三世眾佛菩薩的很多功德能量,念誦十小咒可以修到很大的功德利益。本程式提供真人唸誦MP3和唸誦提醒以方便各位師兄師姐使用。.
9.6 20
《心經》詳解 1.7 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by 朱昌森. Explore 200 alternatives to 《心經》詳解.中國人流傳最廣泛的佛教經典,只有短短的二百多字,卻掌握了六百卷《大般若經》的精髓,也是諸佛經典的核心,因此《心經》之名比《般若波羅蜜多心經》更為人所知。.
9.3 86
Great Compassion Mantra 3.1.1 is an Android Books & Reference app developed by The Paradiso. Explore 200 alternatives to Great Compassion Mantra.The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāraṇī.
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