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AWork (alpha)

1.0 1

v21.0 por jwork.org


Sobre AWork (alpha)

AWork (http://jwork.org/dmelt/awork) is an interactive environment for numeric computation, data analysis and data visualization designed for scientists, engineers and students. AWork is an Android version of the DataMelt ("DMelt") JAVA project (http://jwork.org/dmelt/) for data mining. AWork can be used for data analysis, numeric and symbolic calculations, statistical analysis with graphical output: it can be used to display functions, charts, histograms and scatter plots.
AWork documentation and examples of symbolic and numeric calculations are given in http://jwork.org/dmelt/awork/
This version of work ("alpha") is kept for a backward compatibility with the release 1.x from 2015. This version misses some features, such as syntax highlighting for code editor and others. Please use the most updated "AWork" (version 2 with the green icon).
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