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Cosmetology State Board Review

9.1 8

v1 por Enlightened Learning LLC

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Sobre Cosmetology State Board Review

Cosmetology State Board Review is a study guide app for future Cosmetologists preparing to take the state board exam. This app is good nationwide and has helped hundreds of hairdressers pass the state board exam. You can study anywhere, anytime from your mobile device without stressing the books. How does the app work? Well it's a trivia game that asks you all possible questions that you could be asked on your state board written exam. Even if you pick the wrong answer, it flashes the correct answer, causing you to remember the correct answer. The app keeps score, allowing you to retest based on what you answered incorrectly. So you can walk into the licensing exam with your head held high and full of confidence knowing you'll pass the first time. Cosmetology State board review will also help while you're in cosmetology school taking weekly theory tests.
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