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IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文

4.8 2K+

v2.3.0028.0 por IQQI Team

Sobre IQQI - Zhuyin

【下載舊版 】IQQI快注音
下載舊版apk短網址: http://bitly.com/2vzc1Vp
☆ 最可愛!
❤ 內建 113 種顏文字、160 種不同表情圖案、722 個小貼圖、80種表情符號拼貼、65 種全形符號、100 種常用符號、日文平假名。
❤ 新增獨創動態特效鍵盤:星戰光劍、跨年煙火、過年應景、情人節專用底圖。進階鍵盤風格(可免費試用)還可用照片、圖片自訂底圖,以及自訂鍵盤按鍵功能。
❤ 宅宅助攻手即時連線 PTT 熱門版:表特、八卦、男女,熱門話題一鍵傳,還有熱門下午茶餐廳資訊隨時查!
☆ 最好用!
❤ 台灣最專業的輸入法公司:推出橫跨Android、iOS平台。
❤ 支援倉頡輸入法、速成輸入法、注音輸入法,拼音輸入法(輸出簡體中文),日文輸入法、韓文輸入法
❤ 內建自訂快速短文功能,使用者可自訂 20 筆常用短文,一按就可輸出。
❤ 文字工具箱讓你選字、剪下、複製、貼上,跳到首字、末字,都方便,打錯字可以一鍵清空或一鍵還原。
❤ IQQI 輸入法裡的Yahoo Search 功能,可以搜狗狗關鍵字,就能找到有關狗狗的圖片喔!
❤ 如在遊戲不能打字,可在IQQI設定中點選「輸入位置顯示模式」,改為「固定位置」。。
❤ 打過的詞彙,IQQI 快注音過目不忘!例如「小四」輸入 ㄒㄧㄠˇㄙˋ(也可不打聲調),先選單字「小」再選「四」,即可學習,下次「小四」只要打ㄒㄙ即可,
❤ 打 ㄓㄏㄓ 沒有「甄嬛傳」這個詞,可按「補音」,先補「甄」的注音"ㄣ(一聲),點選「甄」字,再按「補音」分別補上「嬛」「傳」,快注音就會把 ㄓㄏㄓ 自動學習成「甄嬛傳」。
❤ 先輸入首碼後利用首碼補音學習打完長詞(如ㄨㄎㄋㄅㄏㄞㄋ),或者先把長詞全部的注音(如ㄨㄛˇ ㄎㄜˇ ㄋㄥˊ ㄅㄨˊ ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄞˋ ㄋㄧˇ )打完後,再選字「我可能不會愛你」,系統就會記錄這個長詞,下次只要輸入前三個首碼(ㄨㄎㄋ),就會出現「我可能不會愛你」為候選字。
❤ IQQI 快注音鍵盤數字採用九宮格排列方式,適合大螢幕手機或平板電腦快速輸入。
★★★還有其他問題嗎?快來看常見問題 QA★★★<
❤ Q1:我是來自小琉球的 Mark,為什麼我在鍵盤最上方的工具列都找不到繁體/簡體輸出切換的功能?
A1:來自小琉球的 Mark 你好!聽說小琉球很好玩,真想找一天去....
❤ Q2:我是來自嘉義市的 Angel,請問我要怎樣才能用自己的照片當鍵盤背景?
A2:來自嘉義的 Angel 妳好!聽說嘉義的劉里長雞肉飯最好吃,不知道是不是真的....
❤ Q3:我是上次那個來自嘉義市的 Angel,其實我比較推薦嘉義的蛋捲說...我用了「自訂主題」,可是上面寫免費試用一年,所以我還要付錢喔?
A3:Hello Angel!福義軒蛋捲真的好吃,我也吃過。
愛因斯坦說過:「天下沒有白用的鍵盤」,開發 APP 是灰常辛苦的,每一個好用功能跟好看鍵盤主題的誕生背後,都是工程師、企劃、美術設計的心血結晶,但是他們不是蚯蚓,光靠喝水跟吃土是填不飽肚子,還會拉肚子的,我們會提供最棒的 APP 給大家,有些需要收費的功能也會盡量提供試用,像是自訂主題、手寫功能、支援實體鍵盤跟遙控器,讓大家真的覺得好用才買,如果大家覺得免費的功能已經OK了,不需要付費購買也很好用了,也希望能偶爾幫我們點一下APP 內出現的廣告,雖然是微薄的收入(有多微薄咧,現況是你點一次我們可以收到3塊台幣廣告費這麼微薄...現在快注音一天大概點不到40次,買得起兩個50元便當跟一罐飲料,但還是買不起福義軒蛋捲),也是對我們的一點支持了!
❤ Q4:我從台南來的 Alan,我想問一下,如果我買了你們的功能,以後換手機需要再重買一次嗎?你們那個序號又是幹嘛的阿?
A4:來自台南的 Alan 你好,我知道你們不是每天早餐都吃牛肉湯的。
購買的功能都會和你登入的 Google 帳號綁定,如果之後換手機只要是用同樣這個Google帳號登入您的手機,就直接可以使用購買過的功能了。序號則是搭配行銷活動使用和購買沒有關係喔,像我們之前搭配過買自然輸入法送序號,直接購買是不用填也不會有序號的喔。
❤ Q5:我是來自土城的 Ellen,我是用三星的 Note Edge,你們的鍵盤我打一打就會自己跳掉,為什麼會這樣?
A5:土城桐花蠻漂亮的說,今年要再去看一次(*' v`*)
IQQI 會跳掉是因為,三星內建的【效能優化精靈】會主動清除第三方輸入法(就是指 IQQI)的記憶體,請你按照以下步驟排除: 打開三星內建的效能優化精靈→電池→點擊應用程式最佳化下面的詳細資料→頂端有一個綠色開關,點擊關閉 (如果您不想全部APP關閉最佳化,也可點擊 IQQI 快注音,點擊不要最佳化)。
❤ Q6:我是來自苗栗的 Jacky,為什麼我不能使用語音,說話都沒有反應?
A6:苗栗的 Jacky 兄,請容我大膽猜測:你 是 不 是 買 了 中 國 大 陸 的 手 機! 如果是的話,那就是因為你的手機裡面沒有預裝 Google 服務 App 的關係,請先到這邊下載安裝:https://goo.gl/Ao1tz6 ,就可以解決這個問題了!

Actualización de IQQI - Zhuyin 2.3.0028.0

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Más información
Características de IQQI - Zhuyin

Versiones antiguas


IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 APK December 12, 2018 17.68 MB

IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201808293)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: da3ea80d3601fdd99f65b29803f7b30ac772759f

Size: 17.68 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+
IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201808292)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 93ff7f96bceb204d8dba090bb3c224e92ddb41c8

Size: 17.26 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+
IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201808290)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: e8aa646daf5e877cb43ae9ea5f747ac5e185f9cc

Size: 17.81 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+
IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201808280)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1756a1e40fe84ca178e3b1e010ce2b6732d3417a

Size: 17.81 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+
IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201807310)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: e0c5f214b1928ad4dba5437b56629157bc2b14b1

Size: 17.8 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+
IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0028.0 (201807130)

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: cf2bd21e5e0a7fed3cc43e7824f2003725ed3bc0

Size: 16.9 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed
Android 4.0.3+

IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0022.0 APK August 14, 2017 15.05 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: b169eb7a9ec87520e9be9ada4242ed409fd34b1f

Size: 15.05 MB

What's New:

◉ 如果更新後產生異常,請移除後再次安裝,造成不便,還請見諒
- 新增 三星 J森貼圖
- 優化 鍵盤主題介面
- 優化 自訂主題功能
- 調整 自訂主題不再有試用期限,開放一組免費使用
- 調整 "自訂主題" 名稱為 "我的設計"
- 修正 回報Bug

IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.3.0012.0 APK July 31, 2017 14.67 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: b545d0693550d4ee6ba59c1385ec671c3dfa3ac2

Size: 14.67 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.
- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!
- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!
- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.
- Some bugs fixed

IQQI 快注音鍵盤輸入法:自訂底圖,表情符號-倉頡,日韓文 2.2.8032.0 APK May 25, 2016 14.15 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 18dbd7526471e175bfb9b2ae3c47d3d4b179d087

Size: 14.15 MB

What's New:

- Japanese & Korean Keyboards Added: In the Setting-->Languages, Japanese and Korean Keyboards are downloadable. Can switch by taping earth icon on the keyboard.

- Golden Coin FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with golden coins falling!

- Red Heart Keyboard FX Keyboard Theme Added: Tap the keyboard with red heart pop up!

- Yahoo Search(beta) added: Tap the "Y" icon on the tool bar to search Yahoo.

- Some bugs fixed

Más información

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Android 4.0.3+

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