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Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme

9.5 27

v10001002 por Emoji Cute Keyboard Themes

Sobre Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme

�Neon Pink Promise is a Neon and Pink style keyboard theme for FREE download and Android stylized. Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme is designed to give you a faster and smoother mobile experience.Download it NOW!
Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme offers you a better typing experience of Neon and Pink style!
Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme is available now for Neon and Pink lovers!
Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme will make your phone more fresh and stylish than ever!
😜What can be expected in Neon Pink Promise keyboard theme:
💨Fluent Gesture typing-Typing will more efficiently and smoothly, just swipe through letters to enjoy easier typing.
💪Powerful Cloud Prediction-There are powered prediction function to accurately predict your input for cloud data.
🔍Smart Search- Search for images, gifs, news, videos and other information immediately without switching apps.
🌞Auto correction-It will suggest you based on the messages you received.
👫Multiple Languages Supported- Support for over 80+ languages and counting.
😍More variety of GIFs and emojis- More than 1,000 emojis and GIFs are available and bring more fun to your tying experience.
🏃How to apply for Neon Pink Promise input method?
Note: download Neon Pink Promise keyboard theme first.
1) Download Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme, tap the INSTALL button and download the keyboard engine;
2) If you have already installed the keyboard engine, please click the "APPLY" button to complete installation.
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Características de Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme

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Neon Pink Promise Keyboard Theme 10001002 APK February 8, 2019 2.47 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 97442c35198117d0a5b5ffa25e0bf2303b7ed889

Size: 2.47 MB

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Android 4.0.3+

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