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Shooting Solution Free

8.5 15

v2.0.4 por Josh Casey

Sobre Shooting Solution Free

Shooting Solution Free is an accurate, easy to use ballistics calculator. It utilizes a simple main interface, but includes more advanced features, such as table creation and graphing. Environmental conditions, which can be updated based on GPS location or latitude/longitude, are accounted for in the calculations.
Upgrade to the paid version to save multiple firearm profiles and custom ammo.
- Includes a built-in ammo database of over 1400 rounds
- Generate a table of calculated shot data
- View drop graphs and compare ammo
- Accuracy verified by comparing drop to bullet manufacturers' published data
- Simple touch input for setting wind direction
- Supports imperial and metric units
- Upgrade to the paid version to create multiple firearm profiles and save custom ammo
** Tips **
- Before using the calculator for the first time, zero the default firearm profile
- Negative drop means the bullet impacts below the aim point
- Negative drift means the bullet impacts to the left of the aim point
- Edit the firearm profile from the main menu or by clicking the pencil icon in the action bar
- To use MOA in the table, select MOA as the output units on the main screen

Actualización de Shooting Solution Free 2.0.4

- Bug fixes
- Added log

- Bug fixes
- Can now be installed on SD card

- Fixed an error in the graphing function

- Fixed an error that caused crashes when opening settings

- Added graphing features
- Added location based weather updating
- Now allows for negative sight height (used with under-barrel lasers)
- Added ammo from Norma and Sellier & Bellot
- Now comes with the same ammo database as the paid version

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Características de Shooting Solution Free

Versiones antiguas


Shooting Solution Free 2.0.4 APK January 5, 2016 739.05 KB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 1.6+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 05db1c4848b6dfb5965c64d314f61257ef8c2270

Size: 739.05 KB

What's New:

- Bug fixes
- Added log

- Bug fixes
- Can now be installed on SD card

- Fixed an error in the graphing function

- Fixed an error that caused crashes when opening settings

- Added graphing features
- Added location based weather updating
- Now allows for negative sight height (used with under-barrel lasers)
- Added ammo from Norma and Sellier & Bellot
- Now comes with the same ammo database as the paid version

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Android 1.6+

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