99 Challenges! (Package Name: pine.game.superspeedboy) is developed by TOPEBOX and the latest version of Impossible Dash: 99 Challenges! 1.20 was updated on November 23, 2017. Impossible Dash: 99 Challenges! is in the category of Action. You can check all apps from the developer of Impossible Dash: 99 Challenges!. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 5.0+ on APKPure.fo or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKPure.fo are original and 100% safe with fast download.
99 Challenges! is one of the very first Impossible Game for mobile runner. Released first in Apple App Store and having the #1 Download in just 1 week in US. By passing all 99 challenges then you will be a superman in the world. Does it sound impossible, runner? By entering Hell Mode, this impossible runner will become the toughest runner game you've ever played in mobile. WARNING: THERE IS NO TUTORIAL! YOU NEED TO LEARN EVERYTHING TO BREAK THIS IMPOSSIBLE GAME! CONTROL: * THE CUTE RUNNER RUNS AUTOMATICALLY * TAP TO JUMP * HOLD TO MULTI-JUMPS GOOD LUCK!
99 Challenges! 1.20 Update
This is the first big update ever for 99 Challenges!, includes: - Some tutorial levels. - More balancing to make the whole game more enjoyable. - Bugs are fixed, very clean release. - No more waiting for long video ads to continue playing anymore. ;-) Thank you! Topebox
APKPure.fo and the download link of this app are 100% safe. All download links of apps listed on APKPure.fo are from Google Play Store or submitted by users. For the app from Google Play Store, APKPure.fo won't modify it in any way. For the app submitted by users, APKPure.fo will verify its APK signature safety before release it on our website.