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Final Surge

8.8 19

v4.1.7 di Final Surge

Scarica XAPK (Pacchetto APK) - 117.89 MB

Su Final Surge

Presentazione di Final Surge 4.0: allenarsi con uno scopo.
Con il nostro più grande aggiornamento di sempre, Final Surge è qui per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi, che tu sia un corridore esperto, un triatleta, un ciclista, un atleta di resistenza o che tu abbia appena iniziato il tuo percorso di fitness. Se lavori con un allenatore, un club o una squadra o ti alleni da solo utilizzando un piano di allenamento, Final Surge dispone di funzionalità affidabili per garantire che la tua formazione sia efficiente e adattata alle tue esigenze. Final Surge è compatibile con molti orologi GPS, computer da ciclismo e altri con vari dispositivi.
Cosa c'è di nuovo:
-Tema scuro e icone app personalizzate: scopri la bellezza del contrasto e della profondità con il nostro tema scuro.
- Dimensione carattere dinamica: regola la dimensione del testo dell'app in base alle tue preferenze, garantendo una leggibilità ottimale.
-Navigazione dinamica: regola e personalizza il pannello di navigazione in base alle tue preferenze.
- Intervallo di date ed etichette del calendario: il calendario migliorato consente la selezione dell'intervallo, fornendo funzionalità rapide come l'aggiunta di etichette di intervalli di date o la cancellazione di giorni di allenamento specifici.
-Gestione del piano di allenamento: modifica, aggiungi, sposta e rimuovi allenamenti dal tuo calendario personale, dal calendario della squadra o dal calendario di un atleta specifico.
Novità per gli atleti:
-Widget: scegli tra vari widget per visualizzare i tuoi prossimi allenamenti e i dati di fitness dalla schermata iniziale.
-Regolazioni automatiche del fuso orario: ogni volta che viaggi, rileviamo e allineiamo i tuoi allenamenti al nuovo fuso orario senza problemi.
Novità per gli allenatori:
-Nuova esperienza del Coach all'interno dell'app per renderla più efficiente e facile da usare.
-Gestire le impostazioni del calendario di atleti e squadre.
-Aggiorna le impostazioni di allenamento strutturato all'interno dell'app.
-Accesso al taccuino dell'atleta.
Final Surge continua a essere sviluppato per atleti e allenatori per aiutarli ad allenarsi in modo mirato, con funzionalità incentrate sul progresso delle prestazioni degli atleti.
La formazione diventa semplice:
- Accedi rapidamente all'allenamento di oggi sul tuo telefono basato su Android e orologi compatibili.
-Trasmetti allenamenti strutturati al tuo smartwatch per allenamenti e corse guidate.
-Crea un piano di formazione personalizzato o utilizza uno dei centinaia disponibili online su FinalSurge.com.
-Costruisci una libreria di allenamenti per creare programmi di allenamento senza sforzo.
- Ottieni un'istantanea settimanale del tuo riepilogo della forma fisica a colpo d'occhio.
-Tieni sotto controllo il chilometraggio che stai utilizzando per la tua attrezzatura.
Squadre e club:
-Comunicazione tra atleta e allenatore attraverso commenti post-attività, sensazioni di allenamento e resoconti di dolore e infortuni.
-Pubblicare attività sul Social Wall per mantenere la responsabilità e celebrare i progressi con i compagni di squadra.
-Gli allenatori possono gestire piani di allenamento, programmare corse di gruppo e monitorare i progressi degli atleti e della squadra.

Aggiornamento Final Surge 4.1.7

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Leggi di Più
Caratteristiche Final Surge

Versioni Precedenti


Final Surge 4.1.7 XAPK APKs September 24, 2024 117.89 MB

Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 56f7b81b548c6e7b56c87a70f6211f405286ae19

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.en, config.mdpi

Size: 117.89 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: a040624eca2917b211cad607dc029e93e09eada5

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.en, config.mdpi

Size: 117.88 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: x86

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 6cdf717da7038cd7643fbc1239a18c32531610c9

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.x86, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 53.58 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 7775cf403e127f6c812d1156ee05d1a7ac813aec

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 78.24 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: af0bd8f46e597f541f7e10001603cb57763263d0

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 65.4 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 3576111749e91ab447799e8cbf343fa816b177d9

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 79.43 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.7 (211)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e9e53e53155e7f3b25ac6d21a37c5521de05d48e

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 77.13 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+

Final Surge 4.1.6 XAPK APKs September 10, 2024 79.43 MB

Final Surge 4.1.6 (210)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 2c17c0e4b25e7afb011f42f7289936435c745d0b

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 79.43 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.6 (210)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: d41aa18384ada053577faf7e6cc392f1676be43c

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 78.24 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+

Final Surge 4.1.5 XAPK APKs September 7, 2024 78.24 MB

Final Surge 4.1.5 (209)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 2f2b6edfc1b67a21393a93ee78fd9e7af5fa4af4

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 78.24 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.5 (209)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e3e3a690b8bec6c3db32261aa7d8f7dde2fa7c2b

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 79.43 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.5 (209)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: x86

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 2bbdf8c3f692f521b362ffc5bcdfe081f9eb80c3

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.x86, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 53.58 MB

What's New:

Athletes can now sync planned structured workouts to their COROS devices by connecting their COROS account through the Final Surge app. Once connected, athletes can automatically push future planned workouts to the COROS app through the auto-sync feature.
In addition, athletes with Athlete Premium can now upload photos to workout comments. Use the built-in photo editing tool to rotate, crop and draw on images before adding them to a workout comment.
Android 5.0+

Final Surge 4.1.4 XAPK APKs July 19, 2024 103.53 MB

Final Surge 4.1.4 (208)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: dff28b8c6fa255ec72566b8dba3b15fb5607ecf7

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.en, config.mdpi

Size: 103.53 MB

What's New:

Introducing our HRV & Morning Readiness Score for Final Surge Athlete Premium users! By placing your fingertip over your phone’s camera, you can now take an HRV reading each morning when you wake up to generate your Morning Readiness Score. This score will allow you to make smart, informed decisions about your training and recovery.
Athlete Premium includes:
-HRV & Morning Readiness
-Athlete Page
-Weather & Forecasts
-Partner Discounts
-Route Builder
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.4 (208)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 56c78b40926d3e6502e45bcea4bbded5ad400504

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 78.38 MB

What's New:

Introducing our HRV & Morning Readiness Score for Final Surge Athlete Premium users! By placing your fingertip over your phone’s camera, you can now take an HRV reading each morning when you wake up to generate your Morning Readiness Score. This score will allow you to make smart, informed decisions about your training and recovery.
Athlete Premium includes:
-HRV & Morning Readiness
-Athlete Page
-Weather & Forecasts
-Partner Discounts
-Route Builder
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.4 (208)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: ea36ab58394cf99a1e9e0c6537d4ad20bc6abb05

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 77.19 MB

What's New:

Introducing our HRV & Morning Readiness Score for Final Surge Athlete Premium users! By placing your fingertip over your phone’s camera, you can now take an HRV reading each morning when you wake up to generate your Morning Readiness Score. This score will allow you to make smart, informed decisions about your training and recovery.
Athlete Premium includes:
-HRV & Morning Readiness
-Athlete Page
-Weather & Forecasts
-Partner Discounts
-Route Builder
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.4 (208)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: x86

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: b6c138ad9c873a0923ead3aff34a3c3578c69194

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.x86, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 52.53 MB

What's New:

Introducing our HRV & Morning Readiness Score for Final Surge Athlete Premium users! By placing your fingertip over your phone’s camera, you can now take an HRV reading each morning when you wake up to generate your Morning Readiness Score. This score will allow you to make smart, informed decisions about your training and recovery.
Athlete Premium includes:
-HRV & Morning Readiness
-Athlete Page
-Weather & Forecasts
-Partner Discounts
-Route Builder
Android 5.0+
Final Surge 4.1.4 (208)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 7a50215de44bc14642215bfc99846208b3c286e8

Base APK: com.finalsurge.runtracker.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 64.34 MB

What's New:

Introducing our HRV & Morning Readiness Score for Final Surge Athlete Premium users! By placing your fingertip over your phone’s camera, you can now take an HRV reading each morning when you wake up to generate your Morning Readiness Score. This score will allow you to make smart, informed decisions about your training and recovery.
Athlete Premium includes:
-HRV & Morning Readiness
-Athlete Page
-Weather & Forecasts
-Partner Discounts
-Route Builder
Android 5.0+
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Android 5.0+

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