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Mimo: Learn to Code

9.5 58K+

v5.11 di Mimo: Learn to Code

Scarica XAPK (Pacchetto APK) - 54.13 MB

Recensione dell'Editore

Mimo is a platform that teaches computer science in a fun and interactive way

Su Mimo

Impara a programmare in Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML o SQL e lancia la tua carriera nel settore tecnologico in soli 5 minuti al giorno con Mimo, l'app definitiva per l'apprendimento della programmazione.
Mimo learn programming ti offre la possibilità di imparare a codificare a tuo ritmo, con lezioni brevi che rendono semplice padroneggiare le basi del coding. Che tu voglia esplorare Python, cimentarti in JavaScript, costruire con HTML, gestire stili con CSS o interrogare database con SQL, Mimo learn coding è progettato per aiutarti a sviluppare le competenze di codifica indispensabili per conquistare il lavoro dei tuoi sogni.
Se sei un aspirante sviluppatore o hai appena intrapreso il tuo viaggio nel mondo del coding, Mimo è l'app perfetta per imparare a programmare. Con oltre 25 milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo, siamo qui per supportarti nel raggiungere il tuo massimo potenziale. Mimo trasforma l'apprendimento di Python, JavaScript, o qualsiasi linguaggio di programmazione, in un'esperienza divertente ed efficace.
Ecco solo alcune delle cose che puoi fare con Mimo Learn to Code in Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS o SQL:
- Impara a programmare in Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS o SQL, competenze cruciali nel panorama tecnologico attuale.
- Scegli tra due percorsi di carriera: sviluppo Full-stack o Front-end, dove la capacità di codificare diventa fondamentale.
- Lavora su progetti reali per costruire il tuo portfolio, dimostrando la tua abilità nel coding in scenari reali.
- Ottieni certificati che puoi aggiungere al tuo curriculum o condividere su LinkedIn, attestando la tua competenza nel coding.
L'IDE mobile di Mimo ti consente di eseguire codice in Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS e SQL, offrendoti l'opportunità di realizzare progetti concreti e testare le tue conoscenze nel nostro parco giochi interattivo di code. Questo ambiente è perfetto per applicare le tue competenze attraverso esperienze pratiche con progetti guidati, rendendo Mimo l'app ideale per chi desidera approfondire seriamente la programmazione.
Con Mimo Learn to Code, non stai solo imparando a programmare; stai facendo il primo passo verso una carriera promettente nel settore tecnologico. La nostra piattaforma facilita l'apprendimento del coding per chiunque, indipendentemente dal proprio background. Che tu sia interessato allo sviluppo di applicazioni, alla creazione di siti web o all'analisi dei dati, Mimo mette a disposizione tutti gli strumenti necessari per avere successo.
Non aspettare oltre! Scarica oggi Mimo, l'app definitiva per imparare a programmare, e inizia il tuo viaggio per diventare uno sviluppatore di livello mondiale! Insieme, impareremo Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, SQL e molto altro nell'app di apprendimento più coinvolgente che ci sia.
Puoi anche programmare!

Aggiornamento Mimo 5.11

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Leggi di Più
Caratteristiche Mimo

Versioni Precedenti


Mimo: Learn to Code 5.11 XAPK APKs December 3, 2024 54.13 MB

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.11 (1733126154)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: aed92f2878cc8adc561484d73b67c9a6027f80ba

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.armeabi_v7a, config.hdpi, config.ldpi, config.mdpi, config.tvdpi, config.x86, config.x86_64, config.xhdpi, config.xxhdpi, config.xxxhdpi

Size: 54.13 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.11 (1733126154)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 5fb2156ea65c052ebe02f9fcf2d111a8fd52f174

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi, content_fr

Size: 52.28 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.10 XAPK APKs November 18, 2024 35.12 MB

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.10 (1731674708)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 75509f7d678ace785ab27cbb4c5a71e251f42dd0

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.xhdpi, content_fr

Size: 35.12 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.10 (1731674708)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 7a21a0ba83744c6fdac5c21402d091ef5d1358e4

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi, content_fr

Size: 51.59 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.10 (1731674708)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: a8781c4971c6d71a1b79148c417ff2b6bc75e48c

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xhdpi, content_fr

Size: 36.51 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.9 XAPK APKs November 13, 2024 53.64 MB

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.9 (1731083348)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 267f76219ee9c1d4ae2bcf67e0ffea25a0a462d0

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.armeabi_v7a, config.hdpi, config.ldpi, config.mdpi, config.tvdpi, config.x86, config.x86_64, config.xhdpi, config.xxhdpi, config.xxxhdpi

Size: 53.64 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.9 (1731083348)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 5ac4fff61191b12a3a30186f0dc47fc2da2d3772

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi, content_fr

Size: 51.31 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.9 (1731083348)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 02c3b01496cfffa186ab7d7144b024d83930c4b5

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxxhdpi, content_fr

Size: 36.29 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.9 (1731083348)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 8e4f575096b8f4cc51ef5996366301b8ddc93009

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.mdpi

Size: 45.33 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 XAPK APKs November 5, 2024 36.23 MB

Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 (1730728454)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: fab3d5223ad1b669d7b30cd40ce2d7b6140ad640

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxxhdpi, content_fr

Size: 36.23 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 (1730728454)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 932655c18bd68235872d00091bad50aa6f49726e

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi, content_fr

Size: 51.12 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 (1730728454)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: edfed9aa5e85f0cd8bfedca3aa5108e73ae141e8

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.xhdpi, content_fr

Size: 34.81 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 (1730728454)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 65df7f2a80747ac644edd9363f472b23c1d4d13e

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi, content_fr

Size: 36.23 MB

What's New:

New Career Path: Start your journey to become a Back-End Developer with our new back-end career path.
- Dive deep into JavaScript, Express, and SQL, and learn to work with databases.
- Learn back-end programming at your own pace with tons of interactive lessons, practice, and projects.
- Get certified and build real projects for your portfolio.
Join Mimo to learn to code and build a strong foundation for your tech career.
Android 9.0+
Mimo: Learn to Code 5.8 (1730728454)

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: f404f0da249a5281fc1509dd5832e4e48e85440a

Base APK: com.getmimo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi, content_fr

Size: 51.14 MB

What's New:

Nouveau parcour : Démarrer votre carrière de Dev Back-End avec notre nouveau parcours de carrière pour le Back-End.
- Plongez dans le JavaScript, Express, SQL et apprenez à utiliser des bases de données.
- Apprenez le dev Back-End a votre rythme avec plein de leçons, d’exercices et de projets.
- Obtenez une nouvelle certification et ajoutez de nouveaux projets à votre portfolio.
Rejoignez Mimo pour apprendre à coder et démarrer votre carrière dans la Tech.
Android 9.0+
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Android 9.0+

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