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Ultimate PUBLIC Campgrounds (Over 46,300 in US&CA)

9.5 34

v2.2.4.0 di Toad Hall Enterprises

Gratis $3.99 -100%

Recensione dell'Editore

The History of the Ulimate US Public Campground Project

Su UC Public CG

Please read the app description thoroughly before purchasing. THIS APP REQUIRES AN INTERNET CONNECTION TO LOAD THE MAP TILES. At this time, we do not have an "offline" mode, so please plan accordingly.
In this app you will find over 46,300 PUBLICLY-owned camping locations across the United States (including Alaska & Hawaii) and Canada. The source of the data is the Ultimate Public Campground Project, acknowledged as the most comprehensive single source for public campground information. Before purchasing PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH:
What is a “public campground”? Our app defines that as a camping location owned and/or operated by towns and cities, counties, states, provinces, and federal agencies including the National Park Service, Army Corps of Engineers, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Defense and Tennessee Valley Authority. Also included are locations operated by Native Americans and First Natives, utility companies and non-profit organizations. PRIVATELY-OWNED COMMERCIAL CAMPGROUNDS ARE NOT INCLUDED. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS, WALMARTS, TRUCK STOPS, GROCERY STORES, GAS STATIONS ETC., PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THIS APP.
➤ Rating, Reviews & Photos to allow other campers know about your favorite spots.... or share locations to avoid!
➤ Locations shown range from full-service campgrounds to boondocking sites with no amenities to back-country hike-in and boat-in locations.
➤ Filters allow you to select which types of campgrounds you want to see displayed on the map, such as Tent, RV, Walk-in sites, Back-Country Hike-in and Shelter locations, Boat-In, Group. or parks with Cabins and/or Lodges. Additional filters let you see camping sites with only the amenities and/or activities in which you are interested. Filters for fees, elevations, dispersed locations and geographic regions are also included.
➤ THIS APP DOES REQUIRE INTERNET ACCESS TO WORK PROPERLY. The campground data is on your device as part of the app, but the map is loaded from the internet. When first opened, the app will be centered on the United States. Tap the Locator icon to jump the map to your current location. From there you can scroll the map to view campgrounds in other areas or you can enter a city or latitude/longitude into the Search box and jump to that location.
➤ Campground icons are color-coded according to the "ownership" of that facility and also include an abbreviation, thus making it easy to pick out each type on the map. For example, Forest Service locations have a green icon with "FS" on it. Unique icons are also used to denote trail and river campsites, such as the Appalachian Trail and Idaho's Middle Fork Salmon River.
➤ Tapping on a campground icon will result in a pop-up balloon with all the info available for that location. You can tap on a Details button for even more information about the location, including links to its phone number, website, route planning to get you there, weather conditions and pictures of the campsite.
➤ You can also add a location to a Favorites list. The Favorites list organizes your saved locations by state and type. You can tap on a Favorite item and the app will jump you there on the map.
The data itself is updated every month with new locations and corrections and additions to existing locations. The Play Store will automatically update your app with the new data.
Want to see a preview of what the Ultimate Campgrounds is like? Check out our FREE "UC Military Campgrounds" in the Google Play store."
Developer refund policy: Within 7 days, Transaction ID number required - some restrictions may apply.
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Caratteristiche UC Public CG

Versioni Precedenti


Ultimate PUBLIC Campgrounds (Over 46,300 in US&CA) APK October 9, 2023 9.11 MB Scarica

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 4a1eb1003a65a35a41cfda7b05282d8d6fc6dfe8

Size: 9.11 MB

Ultimate PUBLIC Campgrounds (Over 46,300 in US&CA) XAPK APKs March 3, 2022 8.47 MB Scarica

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 18bfa65958a26e5b5db6919bb5c0ed7884232d32

Size: 8.47 MB

What's New:

Now with 46,505 Campgrounds!
~ 42,069 for US and 4,437 for Canada
~ New locations, updated information, reviews & ratings
~ Changed 850 and deleted 3 US camp locations

Ultimate PUBLIC Campgrounds (Over 46,300 in US&CA) XAPK APKs January 4, 2022 8.45 MB Scarica

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 7c033d428cb1afecf438efb985eb59a3121f6388

Size: 8.45 MB

What's New:

Now with 46,454 Campgrounds!
~ 42,017 for US and 4,437 for Canada
~ New locations, updated information, reviews & ratings
~ Changed 280 and deleted 12 US camp locations
Maggiori Informazioni

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Ultima Versione:

Aggiornamento Necessario:

Invia l'ultima versione


Android 5.0+

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