Volleyball Scoreboard
8.0 133
v1.2 di BreakCoder
Volleyball scoreboard is designed for classic volleyball and beach volleyball.
The application is very simple (intuitive) and customizable.
Basic features:
You can enter the names of the teams playing the game.
You can set the number of point in the set and the number of sets to win.
If You set "Beach Volleyball" mode, volleyball scoreboard will remind You to switch sides after each 7 points.
Touching the screen of Your phone / tablet adds a point.
If you make a mistake, using a special button you can subtract a point.
After changing the fields, you can also swap sides of the teams on the scoreboard.
You can count time-outs taken by the teams during the match.
The app measures the time of each set.
When the match is over, you can send the result via email, text message, or by BlueTooth You can also share it on social network sites.
Volleyball is under control now.
Free volleyball scoreboard for you.
Requires Android: Android 2.2+
Screen DPI: 120-320dpi
SHA1: 522f3cb1ce032ca4a6b15bfb7196b7e4063a5219
Size: 501.43 KB
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Aggiornamento Necessario:
Android 2.2+
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