ホーム エディターのお勧め レビュー ニュース 類似アプリ 二次元 TOP10特集 事前登録 セール(値下げ) 人気ゲーム 人気アプリ カテゴリー APK ダウンローダー APK Upload Chrome拡張機能 APKPure.fo アプリ アプリ検索

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery

9.1 139K+

v5.292.0 by Glovoapp 23SL

リージョンフリー / APK/XAPKインストール


Glovoapp 23SLからリリースされた『Glovo』はライフスタイルアプリだ。apkpure.fo/jpから『Glovo』のファイルサイズ(APKサイズ):53.77 MB、スクリーンショット、詳細情報などを確認できる。apkpure.fo/jpではGlovoapp 23SLより配信したアプリを簡単に検索して見つけることができる。『Glovo』に似ているアプリや類似アプリは200個を見つける。現在、Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery appのダウンロードも基本プレイも無料だ。『Glovo』のAndroid要件はAndroid 7.0+なので、ご注意ください。APKPure.foあるいはGooglePlayから『Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery apk』の最新バージョンを高速、安全にダウンロードできる。apkpure.fo/jpでは全てのAPK/XAPKファイルがオリジナルなものなので、高速、安全にダウンロードできる。
Glovo は、欲しいものを何でも注文できるナンバーワンのアプリです。 240,000 軒以上のレストランや店舗が利用可能で、数分で配達可能です。食べ物を自宅まで直接注文したいですか?それとも必需品の食料品の配達を依頼しますか?時間がないときでも時間を節約します。家から出ることなく、あなたの街で食品、食料品、ギフトを注文できます。 Glovo を使用すると、都市を手のひらに収めることができます。
GLOVO を使用する理由?
★ 全世界で8,000万ダウンロード以上。
★ スペイン、ポルトガル、ルーマニア、モロッコ、イタリア、ポーランド、クロアチア、ウクライナ、ジョージア、カザフスタン、キルギス、チュニジア、ケニア、ウガンダ、コートジボワール、ガーナ、ナイジェリア、ブルガリア、セルビア、アルメニア、スロベニア、ボスニアを含む25か国から注文可能-ヘルツェゴビナ、モンテネグロ、モルドバ、アンドラ。
★ 世界中の 240,000 を超えるレストラン、スーパーマーケット、店舗でご利用いただけます。
★ 最大手のチェーンからの配達: マクドナルド、バーガーキング、KFC、ピザハット、タコベル、テレピザ、スターバックス、ドミノピザ、カルフール、ペニー、イータリー、フライング タイガー、キコ ミラノ、ラファルマシア、オーチャン、デカトロン、メディアマーケットなど多数。
★ お気に入りの料理を数分で配達: ハンバーガー、ピザ、チキン、ケバブ、パスタ、サンドイッチ、寿司、ポケなど、何でもご注文いただけます。
★好きなようにお支払いください。 PayPal、カード支払い、現金、さらにはレストランのクーポンも受け付けています。
★ 配達または持ち帰りをリアルタイムで追跡し、必要に応じてサポート チームとチャットします。
★ Glovo Prime に登録すると、食品、食料品、買い物の無制限の無料配達が受けられます。毎回の配送でお得になります!選択された国でご利用いただけます。
★ 友達を招待して、アプリで注文する人ごとにお金を稼ぎましょう。
Glovo を使用すると、あなたの街で最大 65 種類の食べ物を注文できます。有名レストランのハンバーガーから、お気に入りの寿司店の注文まで。世界中の 216,000 を超えるレストランで、数分以内に配達または持ち帰りが可能です。
スーパーマーケットで食料品を注文することもできるようになりました。お気に入りのスーパーマーケットや地元のお店から欲しいものを選べば、Glovo が数分以内に配達してくれます。スナック、飲み物、甘いもの、不足している食材など、必要な食料品はすべて揃っています。
Glovo はすべてを提供します。アプリではあらゆる種類の商品を扱う 27,000 以上の店舗を検索できます。サプライズギフトや直前の購入など、必要なものはすべて 1 つのアプリでショッピングできます。
あなたの街で何かを送ったり受け取ったりする必要がある場合は、Glovo があなたの代わりに用事を実行します。集荷場所と配達場所を選択すると、残りの作業は宅配業者が行い、数分で配達されます。
注文に関するサポートが必要な場合、または Glovo についてご質問がある場合は、アプリまたは Web サイトのサポート セクションからサポート チームにお問い合わせください。
★当社のサイト: https://glovoapp.com/
★ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/glovoappES
★インスタグラム: https://www.instagram.com/glovo_es/
★ツイッター: https://twitter.com/Glovo_ES
今すぐ Glovo をダウンロードしてください!食べ物、食料品、ショッピングを数分以内に配達したり、お持ち帰りしたりできます。

Glovo 5.292.0 アップデート

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Glovo 特徴



Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 XAPK APKs 2024年11月04日 53.77 MB

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 16e32eb24911ef83df44166fc151fe1866429079

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.es, config.fr, config.it, config.pt, config.ru, config.xxhdpi

Size: 53.77 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 9d8fc214fcdeef0b5fb5a82560a7c523a0b55df6

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi

Size: 52.54 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 12c1e3cbb8aa42d3094a2c67e67117e51a7a7e57

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.mdpi

Size: 49.94 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: db4c0e27d08776c268530c8cbd03d70db8adb8f0

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi

Size: 52.53 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1d03ccac2fab2022e343992a6d962cccc5146736

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.hdpi, config.it, config.pt, config.ru

Size: 50.98 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.292.0 (326760)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: a47fbbb241ceef1eff6a4f06f82a10e3d777c204

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.mdpi

Size: 49.93 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.291.0 XAPK APKs 2024年10月29日 52.9 MB

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.291.0 (325980)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 7a1bbeacb6a5d0a8a284edd0855a22b1c9038ce3

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.es, config.fr, config.it, config.pt, config.ru, config.xxhdpi

Size: 52.9 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.291.0 (325980)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 54100a4aa191c647e367a838271fc006a100ed93

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.hdpi, config.it, config.pt, config.ru

Size: 50.15 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.291.0 (325980)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 201484cbae679deda5d203d995f8ee8c1e7d19ed

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.it, config.pt, config.ru, config.xhdpi

Size: 29.09 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.290.0 XAPK APKs 2024年10月23日 49 MB

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.290.0 (325150)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: c34f374b1f6f0b9a91c4d41d2e7e9725a5a7f5f9

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.mdpi

Size: 49 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.290.0 (325150)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1c9aba455ae85f6f2167297aa98a2df2b4a14812

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.hdpi, config.it, config.pt, config.ru

Size: 50.04 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.290.0 (325150)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 280c633f904c4f28f270388cfdbb79e574476beb

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.it, config.pt, config.ru, config.xhdpi

Size: 29.03 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.289.0 XAPK APKs 2024年10月16日 50.06 MB

Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.289.0 (324350)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: c5941f9ac2a678d7a73cd791909602b20974790c

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi

Size: 50.06 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.289.0 (324350)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: ac2e498e598b2764cfb5092f57d202d57d4f9325

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.hdpi, config.it, config.pt, config.ru

Size: 48.55 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.289.0 (324350)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: ab5ddb46253135272fbff5b143b17dc6913a3bf5

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.es, config.fr, config.it, config.pt, config.ru, config.xhdpi

Size: 28.46 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+
Glovo: Food & Grocery Delivery 5.289.0 (324350)

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: a1d8eee36eb32af61150bff8a474d3db83d69f8b

Base APK: com.glovo.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi

Size: 50.06 MB

What's New:

Glovo's mission is to deliver anything you need, fast! And today we're raising the bar with some new improvements.
Here's what you'll find in our latest release:
- We’ve modernized the screen where you can track your order and delivery ETA
Loving our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how Glovo is helping you.
Android 7.0+









Google Play


Android 7.0+


apkpure.foと超人気、新作のアプリ、注目の事前登録ゲーム、期限限定無料や値下げアプリを中心とた専門のウェブサイトです。apkpure.foから直接で安全にAndroidアプリをダウンロードすることができます。当サイトでは、お客様が欲しいアプリがビデオと写真を含めるページで詳しく説明します。興味のあるジャンル--「トップ10」を編集します。APKPure.foから、Android アプリをダウンロードして、スマホにインストールしよう。
