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Tencent Unveiled Arena Breakout: a New Hardcore Mobile FPS
Updated: August 5, 2021

Tencent Unveiled Arena Breakout: a New Hardcore Mobile FPS

During the ChinaJoy 2021presentation, Tencent Games announced its new upcoming mobile FPS game ‘Arena Breakout’ (translated from its Chinese name). Here below is a teaser to give you a brief glimpse of this brand new gameplay.

Arena Breakout Gameplay

Arena Breakout
From the teaser we can see the game is set in an abandoned dark zone where your mission is to successfully retreat from battleground instead of taking over the place offensively. 'Once failed, you will lose all the supplies you carry’, from what Tencent said at the presentation, players might lose everything and have to start all over again once they lose.

To make the game feel more realistic, characters in Arena Breakout will experience through 12 different physical statuses including hunger, pain and limb injury, etc., which may sound familiar to whoever have played Lost Light. Furthermore, the game will provide a weapon customization system to offer players a more flexible gameplay. From what Tencent has unveiled about this game, Arena Breakout seems like an mobile adaption of the popular PC title Escape From Tarkov. 

Release Date of Arena Breakout

Arena Breakout

Currently the beta test version of Arena Breakout is expected to release on 12 August, 2021 in China only, while the global release date hasn’t been set yet. If you are interested in FPS genre, here is a list of the best 10 FPS mobile games you can play on Android.