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A Healthier Commute

1.0 1

v2.0.3 по Kevin Quan

О A Healthier Commute

A Healthier Commute is a quantified self app for driving. It will passively learn your driving habits and then help you visualize the impact of your commute on your family & neighbors.
* Magically record every commute you take - you won't even have to touch your phone or tell us you're driving!
* Learn how much money you are spending on gas for your short 5 minute trip, or your 45 minute drive to work.
* Review your commutes and see how much time you wasted in traffic
* In a rush? Use our quick 3 step wizard to discover the impact of your commute in less than a minute.
A Healthier Commute was conceived in 48h for the CODE 2014 hackathon and received a $5000 award for the top Android app in the competition. It uses official Canadian Open Data for your vehicle's fuel consumption & gas prices, licensed under the Open Government License - Canada.
Have feedback or questions? Drop by our Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/105888502761445588852

Обновление A Healthier Commute 2.0.3

- Better detection of when you're walking (and not driving)
- Impact calculations should be per round trip, your amounts are actually double what they were before (Thanks Pat)

- Our algorithms now utilize even less of your precious battery!
- Oops, fix a crash when installing the app for the first time

- Train our magicians to better detect when you start your commute
- Usual extermination of critters

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Особенности A Healthier Commute

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A Healthier Commute 2.0.3 APK August 12, 2016 3.49 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 26e7946eeaa99df4769d182ba2598ad86a662010

Size: 3.49 MB

What's New:

- Better detection of when you're walking (and not driving)
- Impact calculations should be per round trip, your amounts are actually double what they were before (Thanks Pat)

- Our algorithms now utilize even less of your precious battery!
- Oops, fix a crash when installing the app for the first time

- Train our magicians to better detect when you start your commute
- Usual extermination of critters

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Android 4.0+

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