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Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO

8.4 250

v1.1.0 по Hour Games

О Шторм войны

Создайте свое королевство, призовите эпических героев,обучайте мощные войска и сражайтесь в межсерверных войнах с более чем 2 миллионами игроков по всему миру в режиме реального времени,в самой популярной,новой стратегической игре 2020 года!
[Alliance at War ] Сочетает в себе как войны в реальном времени, так и раундовые сражения! По мере продвижения вперед легендарные герои присоединятся к вашей команде, чтобы помочь вам вести войска, чтобы завоевать пещеру демонов, искать сокровища и убивать врагов, превращаясь в армию, заставляющую врага дрожать от страха! Прямо здесь, вы также можете работать вместе со своими союзниками, чтобы атаковать территорию, захватывать древние артефакты, занимать Крепость и Королевский город и заявить о себе в кросс-серверной войне, которая начинается два раза в месяц!
Особенности игры:
* Уникальная система героя
Герой играет значительную роль в игре. По ходу игры к вам присоединятся уникальные герои, включая Командира, который хорош в контратаках, Ведьма, способную плавить вражескую броню пламенем, Паладина, который повышает боевой дух войск и приносит благословения, и Оракула, который помогает вам улучшить удачу в битве. Тем не менее, скорость, с которой вы набираете и обучаете их, сильно влияет на боевую эффективность и стратегические способности ваших войск!
* Диверсифицированные стратегии подразделения
Различные типы юнитов доступны для вербовки здесь, включая пехоту, мага, катапульту, кавалерию, баллисту и лучника. С различной статистикой они могут противостоять друг другу. Кроме того, вы можете повысить свою мощь, обновив свои войска улучшенным оборудованием.
* Редкий древний артефакт
Появление утерянного артефакта спровоцировало ожесточенную битву в королевстве. Игрок, который первым выполнит серверный квест, получит артефакт с уникальными навыками и баффами. Но будьте осторожны, враги готовы отнять у вас славу!
* Война между серверами
Вы можете подписываться на эту войну каждые две недели, чтобы конкурировать с альянсами с разных серверов по всему миру. В этом случае вы можете вторгнуться в оплот ваших оппонентов на других серверах, чтобы завоевать их и разграбить добычу, тем самым заняв первое место в этом событии и получить богатые награды!
* День борьбы с твердыней
Игроки могут участвовать в мероприятии цитадель каждую неделю. С захватом редкой Крепости альянс не только завоевывает славу, но и пользуется привилегиями, которые он приносит, включая защиту ресурсов, модернизацию юнитов, боевую защиту и другие специальные функции. Кроме того, сильный бафф альянса и богатые еженедельные награды за добычу помогут вашему альянсу получить преимущество!
* Война Трона
Это событие, когда вам нужно занять Дворец Крови и активировать Темную Башню, чтобы атаковать Королевский Город со своими союзниками! Лидер альянса, который выиграет войну, станет королем, пользующимся привилегиями и обладающим высшей властью!
* Различные мероприятия Альянса
Разнообразные события альянса ждут своего изучения, такие как арена, объединение пещер, сокровища папы, коллекция сфер духов, охота и т.д. Эти события требуют силы и сотрудничества, и вы получите отличные награды, которые помогут вам расти быстрее!
* Обновление и поддержка
Мы продолжим вдыхать новую жизнь в игру, продолжая прогрессировать. В Alliance At War вы можете обратиться в нашу службу поддержки за помощью в режиме реального времени, когда у вас возникнут проблемы, и поделиться своими идеями по улучшению игры! Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами в этом волшебном мире и вместе с вами создадим игру, которая становится все лучше и лучше!
Новый игрок без опыта игры? Посетите нашу страницу в Facebook, YouTube, Discord для получения полного списка советов! И здесь есть опытные игроки, которые помогают вам расти!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllianceAtWar/
Discord: https://discord.gg/NpNWcbw
QQ группа: 826894601
Электронная почта: aaw@hourgames.com

Обновление Шторм войны 1.1.0

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Читать далее
Особенности Шторм войны

Предыдущие Версии


Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 XAPK APKs February 5, 2021 105.77 MB

Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (201)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: a65aea3343a08d31f75043f34a11c0b2643d7bae

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.77 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (201)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: dc84acf33301c6da9990cee12f6e50a6a0048046

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.14 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (200)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 931530c20574d4f9dfbd073d823485a0495a1058

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.92 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (200)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 7098cccb868788c5bb40fefd4696efc9debe7932

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.29 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (198)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 5187d39d47eac5032d50f6857486c904213c15c8

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.91 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (198)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 775155db4f00e2858a8c1f87fd620174ac2244fd

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.27 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (197)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e9e429a86e83f440b018edcb02d4960ea4be7463

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.65 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (195)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 83a108201b57ac1eacfebcafac4f89b14efde3b0

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.69 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (195)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 33bd4c3ca9ab7984c2c39d59c5d49128a27a81cb

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 105.05 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (190)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: dc88265e7bbdf529a2dc3fa06bcd8ccf48df7975

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.02 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (190)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: b8ed7901beb83832b6ca5d70f18c05eb3b1cf727

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.65 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (188)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: a08e0423fb7fbff1e935a4fe94a029d0317fd45e

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.02 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (186)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 71305f310a213550c84fd414353c850480444f06

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.02 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (181)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 8ef18857149c4db6b30523dd6ec7131ec64c7508

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.85 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (176)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 97e5299e947df17422bf39a2b53fb149135d13da

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.33 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (176)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: f61cd18b09dcc6abf6b09b7162ebe52bdaf1db9e

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.69 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (175)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 2f842aa319edaf50a508b036fa8e00dcab4d5de2

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.33 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (175)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: be6889c0e3cfbc72b69498044f7ee95797eacc23

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.69 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (170)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 74e857c77d6e0198723d664863e5e6d49489e14b

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.41 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (170)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 0a4766fa08f654fa37457b6a65a615153ef9ab6b

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 104.05 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (165)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 333dfe1fc97018f4d9e7782c80d82584a0ea407e

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 102.56 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (165)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 0a833e0b8bf4d40aa3ca5f499b00dcb2342055db

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.24 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (160)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 6e94e1c582c12c519e8b1b9852ae0b40aa13bb7d

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.arm64_v8a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 103.28 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (160)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 78219b8c59308b2175c984ab0ab02be60e62a958

Base APK: slg.free.rpg.mmo.aaw.allianceatwar.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.armeabi_v7a, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 102.61 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+

Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 APK January 26, 2021 105.29 MB

Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (200)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 24f4ceb4c56562c1ede679228c4b0419ac5586e6

Size: 105.29 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (198)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 426baddc6de2014efa048ec2fe91cb4ba50f6686

Size: 105.27 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (197)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: b3b68fee81cc0ed202b8a59d235d1d614d99e2d4

Size: 105.65 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (195)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: fadca441c2a330ef8cbab99f4ac6c8cd29a84b5f

Size: 105.11 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (176)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 5af04f5d7d1e7f7d5242859fa80b17f8f734992f

Size: 103.83 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
Alliance at War: Dragon Empire - Strategy MMO 1.1.0 (175)

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 743aa0951cc045e113a7e5cbff64630b2f101710

Size: 103.83 MB

What's New:

Brand new gameplay-defending Pappas, officially launched!
Activity gameplay adjustment:
1. The world boss will automatically switch the challenge phase.
New features:
1. Added a special VIP level—SVIP.
2. The honor road activity greatly increased the rewards.
Other optimizations:
1. Players who are banned cannot speak on all channels.
2. Fixed other known issues.
Android 4.1+
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Android 4.1+

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