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ALPHA - Artificial Intelligence

6.9 7

v1.5.1 по Kaffeine Software


Actively Learning Personal Heuristic Algorithm
ALPHA can be taught by users, and thus can be fully personalized.
* Simple UI
* Fully personalizable AI
* Predefined Actions (Just ask ALPHA what it can do)
* View and Edit Local Commands
* Dynamic Cloud Commands
* Backup & Restore Local Commands
By order of increasing priority, the different types of commands are: Predefined Actions, Cloud Commands, Local Commands.
Cloud Commands can store multiple alternate responses to a single input. The response is chosen randomly out of that list.
Inappropriate Cloud Commands can be reported via the Report button provided. You can Report a Command only once. 10 reports on a Command automatically removes it.
Since the removal of profanity and other inappropriate Cloud Commands is not instant, using ALPHA with Cloud Commands on might be deemed unsuitable for children.
The Storage permission is required for Backup & Restore
The Network permission is required for Cloud Commands
It is advised not to use ALPHA to save personal data such as passwords, but if you must, turn off Cloud Commands before you do so. No person or organization shall be held responsible for loss/theft of data through unsuitable use of ALPHA Cloud Commands.

Обновление ALPHA 1.5.1

- Bug fixes in Commands screen... Again.
Happy New Year everyone! Have a great 2K19. :)
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Особенности ALPHA

Предыдущие Версии


ALPHA - Artificial Intelligence 1.5.1 APK January 3, 2019 4.26 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 4c6cd2515429d8c8526d2465a938f46410810619

Size: 4.26 MB

What's New:

- Bug fixes in Commands screen... Again.
Happy New Year everyone! Have a great 2K19. :)

ALPHA - Artificial Intelligence 1.5.0 APK November 4, 2018 4.26 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: ae8879538e1fbfacfff4e9ea93dd51b78e963d64

Size: 4.26 MB

What's New:

- Critical bug fixes
- Some tweaks and optimization
- [NEW] Profanity Filter

ALPHA - Artificial Intelligence 1.4.0 APK September 5, 2018 3.23 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: f091733ae73bd267da3cec858938f88b48b5561a

Size: 3.23 MB

What's New:

- Bug fixes in Commands screen
- No speech output if input was through text.
- [NEW] Sentence Analyzer - ALPHA can now have better offline conversations.
- [NEW] Contextual Learning - ALPHA learns even through the Talk mode now.

ALPHA - Artificial Intelligence 1.3.4 APK June 12, 2018 3.21 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: bb11c8bc27d5b81a00bc42153650d3be761326f6

Size: 3.21 MB

What's New:

- Bug fixes in Commands screen
- Bug fixes in Report system
- Reported commands cannot be taught again
- A completely redesigned Storage system, for faster than ever performance.
- A new Cloud Commands server offers much better security, and faster speeds.
- ALPHA can now respond to blank inputs!
A few features were added for compliance with Google Play policies. Namely, you need to accept the Privacy Policy and the User Agreement. Also, you can now Report inappropriate commands.
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Android 4.0+

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