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Anime Opening Quiz

8.4 138

v2.0.1.1 по Carrot Company

О Anime Opening Quiz

Что я могу сказать, угадай их всех!
В игре тебя ждёт 150+ опенингов твоих любимых аниме! Ты сможешь встретить здесь как известные аниме, так и совсем незнакомые, но тебя же это не остановит, верно? Простой интерфейс позволит тебе не отвлекаться от игры, а так же игра не будет лагать даже на чайнике! (ну мы на это надеемся)
Так что скачивай быстрее, и начинай играть!
В будущем мы будем добавлять ещё опенингов, так что ждите :>

Обновление Anime Opening Quiz

Did you think there would be no update? Here it is, update 2.0!
Even more new openings, interface updates, faster animations, new phrases in the menu and during the game, and most importantly...
Leaderboard! Try playing now!
Читать далее
Особенности Anime Opening Quiz

Предыдущие Версии


Anime Opening Quiz APK October 3, 2023 33.48 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 5.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 8f1db1f09cc323898ff719e4c55cb435095e137d

Size: 33.48 MB

What's New:

Did you think there would be no update? Here it is, update 2.0!
Even more new openings, interface updates, faster animations, new phrases in the menu and during the game, and most importantly...
Leaderboard! Try playing now!

Anime Opening Quiz XAPK OBB October 3, 2023 124.56 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 5.1+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2c2cbb0503da8d0bad73cda72d5be304409fcba7

Size: 124.56 MB

What's New:

Did you think there would be no update? Here it is, update 2.0!
Even more new openings, interface updates, faster animations, new phrases in the menu and during the game, and most importantly...
Leaderboard! Try playing now!

Anime Opening Quiz APK October 12, 2020 25.82 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 978bffd6108556d1da84ae3807ba5f52d0d408da

Size: 25.82 MB

What's New:

Thanks to all guys, I bought a dakimakura!
Interface changes:
- To open the privacy policy, you need to click on the start screen twice
- On the start screen, you can change the language
- "Anime Expert" changed
- Animations are accelerated by 2 or more times
- Changed the "Carrot Company" logo
- Fixed some Russian names
- Fixed opening "Free" and "Valkyries Chronicles"
- Now ads are shown after 1, 11, 22 and so on openings
- Now there are 200 openings!

Anime Opening Quiz XAPK OBB October 12, 2020 110.22 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: ba85326b3d7d233326ffbb874bc76b57af1f1b85

Size: 110.22 MB

What's New:

Thanks to all guys, I bought a dakimakura!
Interface changes:
- To open the privacy policy, you need to click on the start screen twice
- On the start screen, you can change the language
- "Anime Expert" changed
- Animations are accelerated by 2 or more times
- Changed the "Carrot Company" logo
- Fixed some Russian names
- Fixed opening "Free" and "Valkyries Chronicles"
- Now ads are shown after 1, 11, 22 and so on openings
- Now there are 200 openings!
Больше Информации

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Google Play


Android 5.1+

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