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Blockville Rampage - Smashy Police Chase


v1.0b4 по RichyTech

О Blockville Rampage

Welcome to the Blockville!
Smash, crash & rampage the city of Blockville with different vehicles equipped with guns, bazookas, grenade launchers and many more weapons and become the most wanted in Blockville. Outrun the cops in high-octane police chase.
Unlock the Fidget Spinner Vehicle for free. (Limited Period Offer)
Explore and rampage an open world filled with desert, towns and cities.Destroy buildings, street lights, traffic cars, trees and everything that falls in your path.Shoot police cars and army tanks and survive the police chase for as long as you can.
Find your way to the secret military base and stop the aliens from invading the city.
Don't forget to look out for the chickens crossing the road.
Choose from an arsenal of bikes, cars, tanks, alien spaceships and superhero cars equipped with awesome guns, bazookas, machine guns and missiles. Shoot, smash and rampage your way to the top of the leaderboard.
Features :-
Unlock Over 25+ blocky vehicles with weapons. (More Vehicles Coming Soon.)
Unlock Over 10+ Achievements. (More Coming Soon)
Compete with other players in this epic police shooting game and destroy cities for the top score on the Leaderboard.
Outrun and smash cops in high speed police chase through Blockville.
Adrenaline-filled police shooting game.
Destroy an entire city.
Over 200+ smashy destructible objects in an Open World.
Kill hordes of aliens and stop them form taking over the world.
Great blocky visuals.
Awesome retro sound effects.
simple and easy controls.
Required Permissions FAQ:
WRITE/READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is required to save game data.
Note: This game is in Beta Stage - Feel free to give us your feedback so that we can make
this an awesome game!
PopularApps.com : 7.5
games and other news updates:
▶ Twitter | www.twitter.com/BlockvilleR
▶ Instagram | www.instagram.com/blockvillerampage

Обновление Blockville Rampage 1.0b4

Improved UI
Bug Fixes
Improved graphics
Improved Performance
Added the Fidget Spinner Vehicle
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Особенности Blockville Rampage

Предыдущие Версии


Blockville Rampage - Smashy Police Chase 1.0b4 APK March 15, 2018 35.91 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 8b4cac4cc2b9c91b3f4101e7dcbe1906cdd55bed

Size: 35.91 MB

What's New:

Improved UI
Bug Fixes
Improved graphics
Improved Performance
Added the Fidget Spinner Vehicle
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Android 4.1+

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