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1.0 1

v1.0 по Fortes Temis

О CryptoFighters

CryptoFighters is a unique game based on the new ERC-721 protocol. In the beginning you need to chose one of the many unique crypto fighters available in the game's marketplace. Then you get to battle and upgrade your character, win new fighters and collect as many as you'd like.
It's even possible to make profit while playing this game: say, you've purchased a crypto fighter for a small price, then re-sell him for more. Of course, there's no guarantee that someone will want to buy a particular character, but since the whole system is built around the Ethereum blockchain, and there will be only 25000 characters released in the following year, so the collectible aspect is definitely very appealing.
A cryptofighter owner can battle against someone else by lining up his fighters against his opponent's squad of the same quantity (5 on 5 is currently the maximum number). Each on of the fighters has their own rank, level and a set of attributes which include Vitality, Dexterity, Strength and Luck. Whoever has the higher stats wins the battle.
Join CryptoFighters and create the ultimate army of fighters!

Обновление CryptoFighters 1.0

CryptoFighters are ready to battle!
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Особенности CryptoFighters

Предыдущие Версии


CryptoFighters 1.0 APK March 4, 2018 3.32 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 1a04d076f376d9d723c748d946048763cd538ca6

Size: 3.32 MB

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CryptoFighters are ready to battle!
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Android 4.0+

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