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Electric Sport keyboard

9.0 21

v10001001 по artant

О Electric Sport keyboard

Electric Sport keyboard - cool and wonderful theme for you smart phone keyboard.
😎Electric Sport keyboard supports different IM Apps, like Instagram, Messenger, BeeTalk, Facebook Lite and so on, and allows you to type faster and easier in those apps.
😆Electric Sport keyboard is also compatible with different brands of phones like Samsung(Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy J7, Samsung Galaxy Note7), Huawei(Huawei P9, Huawei P8, Huawei Mate 9, Huawei Mate 8, Huawei Honor 8), Sony(Xperia Z5, Xperia Z4, Xperia Z3, Xperia XZ), HTC(HTC 10, HTC One A9, HTC One X9, HTC Desire 10 Pro).
🤓How to ApplyElectric Sport keyboard?
[Notice: The theme supports our keyboard(typewriter) only.]
☝Download the Electric Sport keyboard, tap the INSTALL button.
✌Download our keyboard(typewriter) from Google Play Store. If you already have it installed, please tap on the APPLY button directly .
💎💎Why select Electric Sport keyboard ?💎💎
👍【Different keyboard(typewriter) Themes
Cool and colorful themes are provided. Find different theme categories, including tech, basic, Electric Sport keyboard, cool, crystal(krystal),indigo navy, golden, tomorrow land, pink, shiny and many more,
👍【Fun Emoji and Emoticon
Words are not enough to express your feelings? Just express with emoji and emoticon such as ( ^ω^)! Easy to find emoji and emoticons in our Electric Sport keyboard(typewriter) and add more fun to your chats!
👍【Customized Fonts
We offer you stylish font style, so you could enjoy a fuller experience of your chosen Electric Sport keyboard.
👍【Smart Word Prediction
Our keyboard(typewriter) is smart enough to recognize mistyping words, provide smart word prediction and make your typing easier and faster .
👍【Swype to type
Gesture Typing: Swype through keys to experience Glide(slide) Typing. Voice Typing(input): To type by your unique voice.
Hope you like our Electric Sport keyboard.

Обновление Electric Sport keyboard 10001001

Hope you like our Electric Sport keyboard.
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Особенности Electric Sport keyboard

Предыдущие Версии


Electric Sport keyboard 10001001 APK December 13, 2018 2.57 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e7a867aae4f138638f9d78341a7e79c48dabfa83

Size: 2.57 MB

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Hope you like our Electric Sport keyboard.
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Android 4.0.3+

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