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Browser for Craigslist Ads

8.6 530

vAndoroidX - fix #1 по GTA VIC Consulting

О Pro Craigslist

Specially designed free Browser for Craigslist provides you with the ultimate and easiest way to search Craigslist classifieds in USA and Canada for:
- Buy / sell / trade new and used items
- Used cars and trucks for sale
- Homes and apartments for rent / sale / lease, real estate properties rentals
- Jobs search
- Services
- Gigs postings
- Garage sales postings
This app is absolutely free, and it offers a ton of handy features to make searching, browsing and posting on Craigslist smooth and effective.
Free App for Craigslist features an intuitive interface and essential set of features to browse and post to Craigslist:
- simultaneous multi-city searches
- save search definitions for future reuse
- add to favourites as many ads as you want
- advances filters and sorting
- post on Craigslist
- contact ad owners
- map browser
- photo gallery
- search results with photos and listing previews
- zoom-able full-screen pictures
- all Craigslist cities, states, countries and continents
- share selected ads on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, via SMS or Email
Search Craigslist posting is much more easily than the website, the app offers a handful of additional great features.
We are not affiliated with craigslist.org (CL), this Android app provides enhanced user experience to search though the postings and post on Craigslist.

Обновление Pro Craigslist AndoroidX - fix #1

- several bug fixes
- the bottom banner was made smaller
- decreased the app size
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AndoroidX - fix #1

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Android 4.4+

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