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Free Painting 2019 - Coloring

8.7 31

v1.0.1 по ForeverYoung

О Free Painting Book

Free Painting 2019 - Coloring Unicorn has a lot of images in different categories. You can choose flowers, food, mandalas or zendalas, love, cute animals etc. Also, there are a lot of color palettes. This is the coolest free coloring book for me!
If you used to paint in childhood you would love coloring pages too. It is a relaxing and creative hobby.
Some features of this app:
- This coloring game works without an Internet connection!
- Enjoy a variety of detailed and fascinating images
- Plenty of palettes with 22 juicy colors in each one! You may choose anyone which you like
- Convenient pipette
- You can share your art
Try to color the new category of images with human beings! We think that a diversity is very important in our society. It's our strength. Everyone is unique. So we decided that you can express it in your drawing of humans and share with friends.
We add some coloring pages with Easter eggs. You can color Easter egg and send your close people for congratulating with the holiday!
Also, you can color scary and frightening Halloween images with pumpkins and zombies
Rate this application, write your notes and we will try to make the coloring book better! It's extremely important for us. Thank you!

Обновление Free Painting Book 1.0.1

new free painting - coloring unicorn 2019 now. It's Free!
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Особенности Free Painting Book

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Free Painting 2019 - Coloring 1.0.1 APK March 19, 2019 23.03 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 0ff4c61ee9feb786d1b468aca7e0fdbe12ad5b17

Size: 23.03 MB

What's New:

new free painting - coloring unicorn 2019 now. It's Free!
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