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Guided Journey Meditation

9.0 137

v1 по Balance In Me

О Guided Journeys Meditation

Enjoy the best guided journey meditations. Currently the app has four different guided meditations:

- Beach Journey
- Star Travel
- Inner Self Voyage
- Forest Journey

All of them are created by a professional meditation coach and contain relaxing background audios. These audios are sure to take you on a deep state of meditation and help you relax and relieve stress.

This app is completely free and will always remain free. There are also no ads and there never will be. Enjoy!

Please support us by giving this app a 5-star rating if you truly enjoy it.

Another great feature of this app is that it has a built-in timer. You can choose for how long you wish to meditate. If you want to meditate for longer than the duration of the audio (which is approximately 10 minutes), then simply choose more time and the guided meditation will loop over and over.


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Особенности Guided Journeys Meditation

Предыдущие Версии


Guided Journey Meditation 1 APK September 29, 2015 527.82 KB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160dpi

SHA1: c6248e3660c7b48f504bcc226bdc1e468e19ba2b

Size: 527.82 KB

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Android 4.0+

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