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Mobile Max Payne

7.2 25

v1.1 по Tornto Game Studio

О Mobile Max Payne

Are you ready for a no-nonsense, action packed first person shooter ?
Mobile Max Payne is a fast-paced FPS that will test your reflexes and tactical skill. Experience the thrill of modern terrorist warfare as you fight a critical strike operation as a counter-terrorist or aim to cause destruction as a terrorist. Fight for domination alongside your friends, or show the world your skill by leading the individual scoreboard. Join the competitive combat in the most skill-based portable FPS!
Game currently in Alpha phase: Mobile Max Payne is still under development, but you can download and play the game now! We will keep working on the game continuously to fix bugs, improve optimization and add a ton of new features and content to the game!
The game currently features 2 game modes: Defuse and Team Deathmatch.
In defuse the terrorists try to plant and explode a bomb while the counter-terrorists try to prevent the bomb from exploding.
In Team Deathmatch the teams compete for maximum number of kills within a time limit.
Mobile Max Payne is not and will never be pay-to-win: Purchase camos to customize your favorite weapons
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Особенности Mobile Max Payne

Предыдущие Версии


Mobile Max Payne 1.1 APK June 26, 2017 31.02 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: c371a1f17e7f7ab641456e3e3e00c9ef02b272e1

Size: 31.02 MB

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Android 4.0+

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