О Nazrul Sangeet

The directory of the songs of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam called ‘Nazrul Sangeet’ sung by various artists will be available on this APP. Moreover it will include some of the songs that were sung by Kazi Nazrul Islam himself.
Nazrul Sangeet: Nazrul institute is under the Ministry of Cultural affairs is an autonomous institution. This institute was established to conserve recollection, biography, literature, sangeet and overall contribution of kazi Nazrul’s creations and for publications and outreach the image of the poet domestically and internationally.
This APP will present the collected songs of Nazrul Institute in a MP3 player format. To listen to these songs listed in a genre, a song has to be selected. Along with the songs, the name of the artist, publication year, and the recording house information will also be available.
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Nazrul Sangeet
Nazrul Sangeet 1.4 APK
April 28, 2016 5.26 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.2+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 50e058840569edff11bd5597931f725f90fa5639

Size: 5.26 MB

Nazrul Sangeet
Nazrul Sangeet 1.3.1 APK
September 14, 2015 3.67 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.2+

Screen DPI: 160-480dpi

SHA1: eb7860668759a99e68a04c2ae1844c3acdf387de

Size: 3.67 MB

Nazrul Sangeet
Nazrul Sangeet 1.3 APK
August 15, 2015 3.42 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.2+

Screen DPI: 160-480dpi

SHA1: 46da88cca76e0234083a8c8376a75c11aef1fba0

Size: 3.42 MB

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Android 2.2+