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Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D

9.2 648

v1.0.8 по Rocket Game Studio

О Poppy Money Run: Rich Race 3D

This game is far beyond an ordinary "poor or rich" run race. Earn money, earn fun. This free game is popular to play with friends!
Can you become the champion of the race to a billionaire? Ready to hear the sound of coin cash pouring into your account.
- Choose characters you want to play as on the catwalk of life: Hungry Huggy, Lovely Lady, Super Male. It's playtime, my poppy!
- Become a runner on multiple races. Tap to fly, dodge and rush. Your target is to get to the finish line as rich as possible
- Along the way, choose the destiny run that you like most and strict to it until the end. The correct item gives you money, wrong items deduct it from your account. Hence, choose your destiny carefully!
- You may encounter minigames during the race. It could give money so don't miss them.
- Earn money, become a millionaire, and build a mansion of your own. Turn it from a normal house into a castle!
- Many fun characters, updated frequently. You can even request us to create one.
- Many minigames and a house to build outside the run race which keeps you playing this no wifi game for the whole day.
- ... more updates will be released soon as long as you love the game.
Don't hesitate to be one of the players that enjoy Poppy Money Run: Rich Race 3D earliest!

Обновление Poppy Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.8

- Optimal performance
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Особенности Poppy Money Run: Rich Race 3D

Предыдущие Версии


Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.8 XAPK APKs February 26, 2022 89.21 MB

Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.8 (20008)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 4a4beb547ee22bd2b6f39828388916d8a42fb4ee

Base APK: com.unicorn.huggy.money.run.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a

Size: 89.21 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance
Android 5.0+
Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.8 (20008)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 5ad2e37beb52fe9f9a7b8a3446f67f10bf2e4809

Base APK: com.unicorn.huggy.money.run.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a

Size: 86.66 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance
Android 5.0+

Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.7 XAPK APKs February 21, 2022 89.08 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2a799ef04e86ac8be9ad2313dd8885ed54648063

Size: 89.08 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance

Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.4 APK February 6, 2022 79.54 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: b3384553f5ef35ec2867e8a6e26d59e02d0a0c4b

Size: 79.54 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance

Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.4 XAPK APKs February 6, 2022 79.61 MB

Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.4 (20004)

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 9f19b834eb3ac2a83f50585075bd3fad5effafd3

Base APK: com.unicorn.huggy.money.run.apk

Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a

Size: 79.61 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance
Android 4.4+
Popi Money Run: Rich Race 3D 1.0.4 (20004)

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: f55d569e12cd2967cc611ea8535028f4b827b5d2

Base APK: com.unicorn.huggy.money.run.apk

Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a

Size: 77.91 MB

What's New:

- Optimal performance
Android 4.4+
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