QuikrScanner For Cars
v1.0 по Quikr India Pvt. Ltd.
So what are you waiting for? Simply purchase the OBD device, download the app and get going! The app will work only when linked with an OBD Device. To learn more about the QuikrScanner device or to make a purchase, visit www.quikr.com/cars-bikes/quikrscanner
Enjoy a world of benefits
Monitor the health of your car and stay on track with your car’s maintenance needs
Track fuel consumption by monitoring instances of long idling of car, over-speeding and over-revving, with weekly reports
Get real-time location & regular notifications about your car on mobile
Secure your car from theft by setting up an alarm that notifies you in the event of your car being towed away or an attempt made to start the car
1. Vehicle Profile screen for user to edit and update the vehicle profile.
2. Set Geo-fence notification
3. Trip recording on-off from the settings screen
4. Enhanced Chart screen
5. Enhanced Trip History
6. More insights of each trip
7. Improved Trip Alert Screen
8. New Traffic layer button on the home screen
9. Enhanced push notification capability and bug fixes.
September 20, 2016
Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 4b6babb17f397cc3ee49a96cc007262b7187c011
Size: 5.46 MB
What's New:
1. Vehicle Profile screen for user to edit and update the vehicle profile.
2. Set Geo-fence notification
3. Trip recording on-off from the settings screen
4. Enhanced Chart screen
5. Enhanced Trip History
6. More insights of each trip
7. Improved Trip Alert Screen
8. New Traffic layer button on the home screen
9. Enhanced push notification capability and bug fixes.
July 13, 2016
Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: ab62fa3a7dde3630a056774717a25df5589e41e1
Size: 5.39 MB
What's New:
1. Vehicle Profile screen for user to edit and update the vehicle profile.
2. Set Geo-fence notification
3. Trip recording on-off from the settings screen
4. Enhanced Chart screen
5. Enhanced Trip History
6. More insights of each trip
7. Improved Trip Alert Screen
8. New Traffic layer button on the home screen
9. Enhanced push notification capability and bug fixes.
Имя пакета:
Дата обновления:
Последняя Версия:
Требуется обновление:
Android 4.0.3+
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