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Time warp scan - Warp filter

7.4 11

v1.0.0 по Apus Apps

О Time Warp Scan

This Warptime face scan app provides you with the funny warp filter and face scan effect - one of the most popular face games, face filters on the internet.
The time warp scan - Warp filter app lets you create timewarp waterfall effects without having a Tik tok account. You can now take your funny face warp photo & body warp video and share it with your friends via social networks. Now you found the easiest way to apply a Tik Tok trending face scan - warp slider filter without having a Tik Tok account!
The main features of this time warp scan - Warp slider filter:
- Take warp video with time warp scan effect
- Take face warp photo with timewarp filter
- Choose scan direction by swiping right or down
- Adjust timer to start the warp slider
- Save your face warp photo and video in popular sizes: Full, 1:1, 4:5, 2:3, 3:4, 16:9….
- Share your timewarp scan with your friends via social media
- Quick & easy to use face games
- Unlimited waterfall timewarp photo, video & 100% free
Time warp scan filter - face warp filter app is a trending and most popular warp photo waterfall and face games with fantastic timewarp features. You can create modern art with a trending warp slider effect/ face filter and use it on your social networks! It’s so easy to create unique, funny and cool content.
Take a crazy idea with the face warp filter and wow everyone with your creativity. Earning millions of views, likes and shares for your posts has never been so easy like that.
Unique face filter, face scan & body warp with cool effect, use it!
Create your amazing warp photo and video with the time warp scan effects and amaze your friends. The funny filter can be applied in simple steps:
Choose the direction of the face scan by swiping from left to right or from top to bottom.
When the warp slider starts to move ( after countdown), move to get the desired result.
Save the warp photo, warp video in your gallery and amaze your friends with your creative
If you like the Face warp slider - Waterfall timewarp application, please rate this waterfall warp filter effect and give us your feedback and keep it updated so you don't miss our new features.
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Особенности Time Warp Scan

Предыдущие Версии


Time warp scan - Warp filter 1.0.0 APK April 21, 2022 17.11 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 6.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: a4653c17b6c7fa74daadcda166f70ee2fce4cf11

Size: 17.11 MB

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