About Myne

Myne (Package Name: com.meunegocio) is developed by Myne App and the latest version of Myne Sales - Inventory Manager 2.4.2 was updated on November 10, 2024. Myne Sales - Inventory Manager is in the category of Business with the feature Finance. You can check all apps from the developer of Myne Sales - Inventory Manager and find 191 alternative apps to Myne Sales - Inventory Manager on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 5.0+ on APKPure.fo or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKPure.fo are original and 100% safe with fast download.
With the Myne application you can have more control of your sales and monitor the progress of your business. After registering your sales, you can already see through graphs the monthly progress of your sales of products and services.
Clean interface, ease of use, amazing graphics. Myne - Sales Manager is Ideal for the individual microentrepreneur (MEI) to manage their sales.
It will soon work as your POS (Point of Sale)
APP features for the entrepreneur
- Customer base
- Product registration
- Services register
- Sales Record
- Sales management
- Monthly Sales Chart
- Sales chart by product
- Sales by service graph

Myne 2.4.2 Update

Change Language
*Customize Receipt
Edit/Delete/Create Installment
Barcode Scanner
Catalog Config
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Android 5.0+