Sam Giang - Phat Giao Hoa Hao (Package Name: kinh.phat.samgiang) is developed by NguyenDoAnhKhoa and the latest version of Sam Giang - Phat Giao Hoa Hao 2.0 was updated on June 26, 2014. Sam Giang - Phat Giao Hoa Hao is in the category of Lifestyle. You can check all apps from the developer of Sam Giang - Phat Giao Hoa Hao. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 2.2+ on or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Phần mềm giúp các Phật tử Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo - Đọc (offline) - Nghe (online) Bộ Sấm Giảng 6 quyển của Đức Huỳnh Giáo Chủ "Biết làm sao gieo đạo khắp đại đồng, Đưa nhân loại đi vào vòng hạnh phúc." Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật and the download link of this app are 100% safe. All download links of apps listed on are from Google Play Store or submitted by users. For the app from Google Play Store, won't modify it in any way. For the app submitted by users, will verify its APK signature safety before release it on our website.