關於 Parental Control
在您孩子的裝置上下載並安裝 Bitdefender 家長控制應用程序,以便使用 Bitdefender Central 平台輕鬆管理和監控他們的線上活動。
✔ 內容過濾
✔ 網路時間管理
✔ 位置追蹤
✔ 預設和可自訂的例程
✔ 獎勵和上網時間延長
✔ 安全搜尋和 YouTube 限制模式
內容過濾。 使用預先定義的、適合年齡的過濾類別來防止接觸不當內容,或自行調整以引導良好的上網習慣。
上網時間管理。 控制孩子設備上允許的每日網路時間限制,並獎勵額外的螢幕時間以負責任地使用網路。
位置追蹤。 即使您的孩子不在您身邊,也要確保他們一切都好。追蹤他們的位置,以便您始終知道他們在哪裡。
預設和可自訂的例程。 當孩子們有可以遵循的常規時,他們就會努力奮鬥。您可以設定專注時間、家庭時間和就寢時間,為每項活動創建量身定制的時間表。
安全搜尋和 YouTube 受到限制。 從搜尋引擎和影片中刪除露骨和有害的結果,以確保結果適合年齡。
Bitdefender 家長監護功能需要 VPN 連線才能提供內容過濾和安全瀏覽功能。
Parental Control 5.0.209 更新
With the new network filtering capabilities, you will be able to easily choose the restricted categories and manage the online activities and time your child is allowed to have across their devices.
Requires Android: Android 6.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 4facc39854bdb1de8e7be577b1ef0d5a09556557
Size: 26.35 MB
What's New:
With the new network filtering capabilities, you will be able to easily choose the restricted categories and manage the online activities and time your child is allowed to have across their devices.
Requires Android: Android 6.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 4a5f42b74d1749b0d782b7526324447c1a6eb8ec
Size: 26.35 MB
What's New:
With the new network filtering capabilities, you will be able to easily choose the restricted categories and manage the online activities and time your child is allowed to have across their devices.
Requires Android: Android 6.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 0b7dc9cec1bf990d687e096cd35611a57d010536
Size: 26.52 MB
What's New:
With the new network filtering capabilities, you will be able to easily choose the restricted categories and manage the online activities and time your child is allowed to have across their devices.
Requires Android: Android 6.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 248a433132a198dce4316b2ca57ea8826c7a6292
Size: 26.52 MB
What's New:
Con las nuevas posibilidades de filtrado de red, podrá elegir fácilmente las categorías restringidas y administrar las actividades online y el tiempo del que su hijo puede disponer en todos sus dispositivos.
Available on:
Android 6.0+