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Gangstar New York


varies with devices by Gameloft SE

關於 Gangstar New York

Gangstar New York(包名:com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftNYHM)開發者是Gameloft SE,Gangstar New York的最新版本varies with devices更新時間為2022年08月12日。Gangstar New York的分類是動作。您可以查看Gangstar New York的開發者下的所有應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKPure.fo或Google Play下載到Android 1.0+。apkpure.fo的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。

Gangstar: New York is the latest upcoming open-world RPG developed by the Gameloft, in which you will play the role of a criminal who is escaping the police around the New York City. Throughout the game, players have to complete several missions to unlock more cars and weapons to help them level up.

Realistic 3D Visual Effects

One of the biggest highlights of Gangstar: New York is its realistic 3D visual effects, from which players can immerse themselves in the top-notched character and scenarios design. Aside from that, the simple operation allows players to move in any direction with ease.

Experience dozens of high-end vehicles

From Gangstar: New York players can steal various types of large-cylinder vehicles to help them escape the police and drive faster across the New York City. This will gradually control all the shady businesses that take place on the busy streets of New York. In fact, it won’t take long to locate the places in the city where we can hide when things get out of our control.

Enjoy the exciting action shooter RPG

Players can enjoy the spectacular graphics while completing missions by shooting down enemies or trying no to be caught by the police. The thrilling chasing and shooting against enemies will let you get rid of tiring and pressure right away!

Gangstar New York 資訊



varies with devices




Android 1.0+


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