關於 Music Together
下載免費的 Music Together 應用程序,隨時隨地播放您的 Music Together 音樂。從 12 首免費歌曲開始,然後,您每學期報名參加 Music Together 課程,即可使用歌本中的代碼解鎖新的收藏。
• Music Together 家庭,使用您的 Music Together 帳戶登錄(或使用歌集中的代碼在應用程序上創建一個帳戶),將您的歌曲添加到應用程序中。 A
• 如果您尚未註冊課程,該應用程序會預裝歡迎精選集,其中包含 12 首我們最流行的歌曲。然後,當你準備好時,在你附近找一個課程。
• 屏幕歌詞
• 一起創建音樂播放列表
• 數字歌集、樂譜和音樂開發資源
• 數字歌唱故事書,包括免費的《大家好!》
• 預載 12 首 Music Together 歌曲:Hello Song;這列火車;鷸;坐在車裡;兩隻小黑鳥;廚房周圍;唐·阿爾弗雷多·貝拉;一隻小貓頭鷹;嘿,迪德爾,迪德爾;她賣貝殼;兔子先生;願所有的孩子
• 已註冊的家庭可以登錄訪問他們所有的歌曲收藏
• 跟著屏幕上的歌詞唱歌
• 閱讀(或唱歌!)我們的《大家好!》的彩色頁面。唱歌故事書
• 購買我們其他 9 本歌唱故事書的數字版本
• 搜索您附近的 Music Together 課程
關於我們:自 1987 年以來,Music Together 已通過為從出生到幼兒園的兒童及其父母和看護者開設的課程,幫助數百萬兒童、家長和教師發現音樂創作的樂趣。 Music Together 擁有三十多年的經驗,被公認為幼兒音樂教育領域的先驅,在全球 3000 多個地點開設了課程。如需了解更多信息並查找您附近的課程,請訪問 www.musictogether.com。
Music Together 2.1.2 更新
* Enhanced Password Requirements: Strengthened security with updated password criteria for better protection.
* Seamless Auto-Fill Integration: Easily log in using saved passwords, thanks to enhanced auto-fill functionality.
* Improved App Update Process: Enjoy faster and more efficient updates for a smoother app experience.
Requires Android: Android 9.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 50ef15fe7811678bb58489c47fdb53e584329a82
Size: 81.03 MB
What's New:
Recent changes also include:
• Entirely new, modern user interface and music player features!
• Pictures can be now be added to playlists!
• Find a class near you and star your favorite centers!
• New "Songs" list feature is a playlist of all songs from all collections you've unlocked in one place!
• Now download individual songs as well as collections for offline use!
Requires Android: Android 9.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 5ea3da636c5fdbfec3f38092d1b65585d3aed19c
Size: 81.03 MB
What's New:
Recent changes also include:
• Entirely new, modern user interface and music player features!
• Pictures can be now be added to playlists!
• Find a class near you and star your favorite centers!
• New "Songs" list feature is a playlist of all songs from all collections you've unlocked in one place!
• Now download individual songs as well as collections for offline use!
Requires Android: Android 9.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 7cf7782f913fa165951df4b7caab33aa07203f6b
Size: 81.03 MB
What's New:
• Entirely new, modern user interface and music player features!
• Pictures can be now be added to playlists!
• Find a class near you and star your favorite centers!
• New "Songs" list feature is a playlist of all songs from all collections you've unlocked in one place!
• Now download individual songs as well as collections for offline use!
Available on:
Android 9.0+