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Thank you(different languages)

9.7 7

v5.0 by DPPRIME

關於 Thank You

Thank You(包名:com.dpcorp.thankyou)開發者是DPPRIME,Thank You的最新版本5.0更新時間為2020年05月14日。Thank you(different languages)的分類是圖書與參考資源。您可以查看Thank you(different languages)的開發者下的所有應用並找到Thank you(different languages)在安卓上的33個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKPure.fo或Google Play下載到Android 5.0+。apkpure.fo的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
Saying thank you – it's everyday etiquette and a simply courtesy that takes just a moment. It costs nothing, not even effort.
But it's also one of the most important ways in which we interact with others, both those closest to us and those with whom we have contact for the briefest of times.
We say thank you for gifts, thank you for special favors, and thank you for assistance in times of need. But it's not only the big things where thank you matters. We also say thank you as we're handed our change in the store, thank you to someone who holds the door for us, and thank you to the person who passes us the salt at dinner.
Countries: Argentina, Australina, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dom. Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moracco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnama
It's completely free to use anytime you want!
Thank You 資訊



Thank you(different languages) 5.0 XAPK APKs 2020年07月16日 6.74 MB

Thank you(different languages) 5.0 (10)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 53595fc617fd07f7eb862d5bb87436c630c30119

Base APK: com.dpcorp.thankyou.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 6.74 MB

Android 5.0+
Thank you(different languages) 5.0 (10)

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 5fe31ed5e44a0e57c0b39cd28b8e1d823723a970

Base APK: com.dpcorp.thankyou.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 6.71 MB

Android 5.0+

Thank you(different languages) 2.1 APK 2018年11月30日 7.09 MB 下載

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 2b872466233dca455135dffaeb0cbc88ace9cfe6

Size: 7.09 MB

Thank you(different languages) 1.4 APK 2018年09月24日 6.79 MB 下載

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 349f867d02afa44d4cadb4bdbffe482d998079c2

Size: 6.79 MB

Thank you(different languages) 1.3 APK 2017年06月19日 6.72 MB 下載

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: ca6fa925089b0f697648706d9f33694d41c6ee65

Size: 6.72 MB








Android 5.0+


apkpure.fo和該應用的下載連結是100%安全的。apkpure.fo上列出的所有應用下載連結均來自Google Play Store或由用戶提交。對於來自Google Play商店的應用,apkpure.fo不會對其進行任何形式的修改。對於用戶提交的應用,apkpure.fo會在網站上發佈之前驗證其APK簽名的安全性。
