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Best 10 Apps to Become a Successful Writer

更新於: 2020年05月29日 • 包含6個應用 • 推薦應用

It is not easy to finish novels for most writers. Check the following apps to be more efficient writing your novel.
Writing a novel may be easy, but finish it is quite a big challenge. The most common reason may be the lack of new ideas and extreme writer's block. There are many free writing apps that may help you overcome these obstacles and finish your novel. These apps not only help you to create though maps and come up with good ideas but also make you stay focused on writing while the differnt distractions fly at you every day. Use these writing apps will make it much easier for you to finish your novel in time.

這篇文章Best 10 Apps to Become a Successful Writer是關於Successful Writer。6個和Successful Writer相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Evernote - 記事整理工具, 奇妙清單 - 任務管理、項目規劃、購物清單, Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant等等。文章更新時間為2020年05月29日。

Evernote is a cross-platform, freemium app designed for note taking, organizing, and archiving.
Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant
Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant
免費 7.8 17K+ 評論 200個相似應用
If you want your mobile writing to truly shine with its polish, you need the Grammarly Keyboard.
Basecamp is a web-based project collaboration tool that allows groups of people to share files, meet deadlines, assign tasks, and centralize feedback.
List-making software with infinite levels of indentation, giving you the flexibility of infinite layers of organization.
The key to good writing is not that magical glass of Bordeaux, the right kind of tobacco or that groovy background music. The key is focus.