Best 10 Google Play Music Alternatives
更新於: 2021年01月03日 • 包含14個應用 • 推薦應用
Since Google Play music is dead, users have to reach other alternatives to meet their music needs. In addition to Youtube Music, there are still other decent apps for listening and discovery, like Spotify, Amazon Music, and more. With these apps, you can upload, download, stream, and discover your favorite tracks. Download one of your favorites and start to immerse yourself in beautiful music.
這篇文章Best 10 Google Play Music Alternatives是關於google play music alternatives。14個和google play music alternatives相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Spotify: 暢聽音樂和 Podcast, SoundCloud: Play Music & Songs, YouTube Music等等。文章更新時間為2021年01月03日。
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