Top 10 Allergy and Pollen Apps
更新於: 2019年11月14日 • 包含9個應用 • 推薦應用
Top 10 allergy apps for people who suffer from allergies!
Do you suffer from allergies? Are you looking for effective ways to relieve allergy symptoms? Whether you have food allergies, pollen allergies, or seasonal allergies, these allergy apps can educate you with health information, offer you useful tips, help you avoid allergens and prepare for each day. With these apps, you can eat safely by finding allergy-safe recipes on Yummly, keep track of the weather on WebMD Allergy, or find the nearby hospital if you have a serious allergic reaction.
這篇文章Top 10 Allergy and Pollen Apps是關於Best Allergy Apps for Android。9個和Best Allergy Apps for Android相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Google 地圖 - 導航和大眾運輸, Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools, AroundMe等等。文章更新時間為2019年11月14日。
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