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Top 10 Apps to Find Clothes by Picture

更新於: 2020年06月07日 • 包含5個應用 • 推薦應用

Identify the cute outfits and accessories you come across by simply uploading a picture on these apps!

Sometimes, you may come across a cute dress in public or on social media. You love it and want to find out where to buy the exact same or a similar one. Well, the following apps can help you with that. All you need to do is to save the image or take a picture of the clothes, then you can upload the images to these apps to ID them. Download your favorite app and find clothes by pictures efficiently.

這篇文章Top 10 Apps to Find Clothes by Picture是關於clothes finder from pictures apps。5個和clothes finder from pictures apps相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Pinterest, Amazon Shopping, Google 智慧鏡頭等等。文章更新時間為2020年06月07日。

Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.
Amazon is an online shopping website with a massive selection of books, electronics, music, Android apps, software, home appliances, furniture, toys, clothing, and much more.
With Google Lens you can get information about items around you, like landmarks, posters, or barcodes, using your phone's camera.TAKE ACTION ON TEXT
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