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Top 10 Apps to Practice Meditation

更新於: 2020年03月09日 • 包含15個應用 • 推薦應用

Meditation can not only help you to get rid of daily work stress but also ensure you have a nice sleep. Get guide for meditation from easy steps and practice it every day to relax yourself.
A nice meditation relaxes both your brain and body. Gain benefits from meditation with these best  sleep and meditation apps for free. You can take meditation lessons within these meditation apps and improve yourself day by day with relaxing music around you. Begin your journey to find self-awareness and gain energy from a nice meditation now.

這篇文章Top 10 Apps to Practice Meditation是關於Meditation。15個和Meditation相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax, BetterSleep: Sleep tracker, Headspace: Meditation & Sleep等等。文章更新時間為2020年03月09日。

Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
免費 8.8 48K+ 評論 196個相似應用
Calm.com can help you reduce stress and increase calm. You’ll discover how quieting your mind can improve your mood - and your life. Highlights:
Relax Melodies is the leader in personalized relaxation and sleep assistance.
Headspace is the simple way to reframe stress. Sleep trouble? Meditation creates the ideal conditions for a good night’s rest.
Insight Timer is the largest community of regular meditators on the planet. Our community generates more meditation minutes than any other app.
和最新免費Keep Yoga - 瑜伽 & 冥想一起科學,減壓、燃脂、放鬆、健康生活,400+瑜伽體式,專業真人指導視頻,多種冥想課程,助力良好睡眠。
Meditation & mindfulness to help you feel strong, connected and inspired through life’s ups and downs. Voted Best Health App, Webby People’s Voice Award.
Meditation for you. Sleep better, relax & become more present.