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  3. Top 10 Music Identifier Apps to Find a Song at a Party

Top 10 Music Identifier Apps to Find a Song at a Party

更新於: 2019年09月24日 • 包含5個應用 • 推薦應用

Must-have apps to identify the songs quickly and easily, so you will never miss out on the music you love!
Can you imagine how terrible it is when you hear what just might be your next favorite song at a party or at the mall, but you just don't know its name? There's a time when I saw the dolphins show at the Aquarium, I heard a beautiful Russian song but had no idea to know the name of the song, I even called to find out. We collect these top 5 Music Identifier APPs to help you identify your favorite songs quickly and conveniently, so you will never miss out on the music you love!

這篇文章Top 10 Music Identifier Apps to Find a Song at a Party是關於Music Identifier Apps。5個和Music Identifier Apps相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Shazam - 搜尋音樂, Deezer: Music & Podcast Player, Musixmatch 音樂播放器的歌詞同步等等。文章更新時間為2019年09月24日。

Shazam gives instant satisfaction for when you want to know the name of that song playing on the radio.
The world's fastest music search and discovery mobile app, with exclusive singing and humming search, one-tap sharing, and LiveLyrics.