毎日、あなたは暗号通貨の価格、ビットコインの価格、特定の株価情報、取引所の動き、そして様々な暗号通貨に関する質問のリストを受け取ります。同様の投資アプリと同様に、私たちの目標は、株式市場とBitcoin USDの為替レートについて正確な財務予測をすることです。 BitcoinのニュースやBitcoinのレートを常に把握することは役立ちますが、優れた財務および投資アナリストになるために必須ではありません。
Cindicator 3.0.10 アップデート
The most important thing about this update is a new type of questions – multiple and single choice questions. Choice questions will not appear in the app straightaway, but you need to update the app now to get access to them in the future.
Extra bonus: question search is back in the app.
Do not miss out! Update the app now.
Requires Android: Android 5.1+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 66156fae567ec71b8a87ddd6bd816269a03d4641
Size: 12.04 MB
What's New:
The most important thing about this update is a new type of questions – multiple and single choice questions. Choice questions will not appear in the app straightaway, but you need to update the app now to get access to them in the future.
Extra bonus: question search is back in the app.
Do not miss out! Update the app now.
Requires Android: Android 5.1+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 096f07d0c5692a68ca18761e71e594c8fef64e73
Size: 11.92 MB
What's New:
We have simplified the way questions are read in the feed. Question texts are now displayed on cards with a monochrome background.
Now the key information is all right there on the question card: the question type, the name of the asset, and the maximum points you can get for an accurate forecast.
Once you’re inside the question card you will no longer need to take any extra steps to check out useful links with charts and news.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Requires Android: Android 5.1+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: c729e06a9e4d2421a8263dabdc0b2cbd6b1abb2e
Size: 13.43 MB
What's New:
We have simplified the way questions are read in the feed. Question texts are now displayed on cards with a monochrome background.
Now the key information is all right there on the question card: the question type, the name of the asset, and the maximum points you can get for an accurate forecast.
Once you’re inside the question card you will no longer need to take any extra steps to check out useful links with charts and news.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Requires Android: Android 4.2+
Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86, x86_64
Screen DPI: 120-640dpi
SHA1: 637824a09f6d91251a28ee4f32cf193546250272
Size: 25.71 MB
What's New:
We’ve made a small update. Now referral codes will not show up in special challenges that are not supposed to have that option. Special challenge participants will see the entry field only if it’s relevant to them.
Here’s to more interesting forecasts!
Android 5.1+