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  3. 「超人気」レーシングゲームTOP10


更新日: 2021年03月04日 • 13 個アプリ • アプリを追加する



『「超人気」レーシングゲームTOP10』とは レーシングゲームについてのAndroidおすすめアプリまとめです。定番から最新アプリまで網羅します。"レーシングゲーム"に関する13個アプリを選んで介绍しています。例えば:アスファルト8:カーレーシングゲーム, Traffic Rider, CSR 2 Realistic Drag Racingなど。この記事は2021年03月04日に更新されました。

1. 実写並のグラフィック。直感操作で遊べるリアルレーシング
2. ニトロ、ジャンプ台などダイナミックな要素も多数登場
3. 四輪車のほか、ゲームを進めればF1カーやバイクなど多彩な車を使える
1. 超リアルなグラフィックでリアル感抜群のバイクゲーム。公道を突っ走れ
2. スマホのジャイロを活かしたリアルな操作感。思わず体も傾く
3. 時速100キロを超えて車を追い越すとボーナス! スピード狂歓喜
1. スマホゲームとは思えない映像美。実在の車が爆走する姿に酔いしれる
2. 車はなんと内装までカスタムできる。速くてカッコいい自分だけの1台に
3. 対戦相手のキャラは挑発的なクセ者揃い。勝てたときの快感がやみつきに
1. 起伏の激しい丘をバウンドしながら進んでいくレースゲーム
2. スクールバスや戦車など、個性豊かな車が登場。 お気に入りを見つけよう
3. 鉱山や惑星を走るアドベンチャーモード。自分の最長記録に挑んで腕試し
1. 作り込まれたグラフィックやサウンドなど、ホンモノ感はピカイチ
2. アウディ・日産・フォード等、カーマニアのツボをつく豊富な車種
3. 操作はスマホを傾けるだけ。初心者も車好きも手軽に臨場感が味わえる
1. 左右タップでハンドルを切るだけの簡単操作。武器を取って他の車を撃破
2. 撃破するほどコインを獲得。車ガチャを引き、コレクションする楽しみも
3. ステージの種類が多彩で飽きない。地形を利用した戦い方が重要
Sure, there's plenty of free games on the market right now. But if they're not loaded with ads, they're usually packed with a crippling amount of microtransactions. Luckily, there's always Dan Vogt's passion project--a futuristic arcade racer set in a mysterious cyberworld. With crisp visuals, responsive controls, and captivating narratives--it has all the markings of an excellent title. And, it's all free for everyone to play and replay.
Take control of a lone data wing as he takes instructions from an enigmatic narrator. Within the plot, you'll unfold a groundbreaking conspiracy that takes root in the minefield of human emotions. Compete against yourself and other data wings with their intuitive two-touch controls, and immerse in over 2 hours of story divided over 40 stages.
While the whole game is pretty short, it delivers the quality goods every step of the way. Undoubtedly the best way to spend 2 hours, it has a PlayScore of 8.89.

Here are the runners-up before we reveal the number one:
1. コース前方の敵を射撃。ガンアクションと融合した3Dレーシングゲーム
2. 撃破した機体の破片が飛んでくる。細部まで拘った臨場感のある作り
3. ダメージを受ける度に装甲が剥がれていく、リアリティのあるゲーム性
1. 当たれば即炎上!?可愛さと狂気が交じり合うブロックの車のアクション
2. あまりにもハイスピードで、端末を傾ける操作と一緒に、体も傾くほど
3. 信号のない交差点など、不意に危険地帯が出現。命が一つじゃ足りない
Like the name suggest, in this game, you take on the role of a manager of a motorsport racing team. Hire drivers, develop your vehicles, and invest in technology so your team could be the best among the rest.
In this highly addicting racing game has a very tactical feel to it. You formulate strategies and work with your drivers to win races. You have to be wary, because in this gam e, decisions like deciding what to do when the weather changes really matters.
Do your best and you may just become the world champion in the pinnacle of motorsport! This racing game receives a Playscore: 8.56.
Take customization in a racing game in a whole new level. This time, you don’t just get to customize a character and pick a vehicle, you also get to create your own levels for you and your friends could play on. Essentially, you’ll never, ever run out of levels to play on.
Big Bang Racing mixes racing with puzzle solving as you race against real players from all over the world. You can also team up with your friends to compete with other teams in Weekly Seasons to have a chance to win awesome prizes.
Play this game and you can get a chance to become not just the best racer, but also the best level creator! This awesome game has a Playscore: 8.66.

Here are the runners-up before we reveal the number one:
Probably one of the flashiest where zombie games are concerned. From the makers of Blocky Highway, DogByte Games is taking the vehicular voxel action to apocalyptic heights. In this game, there is no antidote for the rising undead invasion. Instead, you'll be taking the law and your survival into your own hands. Select from their diverse lineup of vehicles and buckle yourself up for some zombie-killing fun.
Dead Venture has up to three thrilling game modes. Breeze through their 8 story mode chapters, race against time in Time Trial Mode, or put the pedal to the metal in the endless Survival Mode. It has a PlayScore of 8.47.
Pixelbite’s third installment to the Reckless Racing franchise has arrived with dirtier race tracks, awesome powerslides, eye-popping graphics, and their largest selection of cars and trucks to date! There are 9 seasons and 60 events to race in in the Career mode, and 24 challenges in Arcade mode.
There’s a different mode in this gane for all kinds reckless racers out there! There’s Gymkhana to test the skills of the seasoned race driver, Drift mode for the those who love skidding in every corner, and of course, Reckless Mashup, where you can choose to go big and bully your opponents, or small and let your rivals bite your dust. Be careful though, the AI drivers are much more reckless in this mode.
Get down and dirty with a game that has a Playscore: 8.58.