更新於: 2021年07月02日 • 包含15個應用 • 推薦應用
這篇文章美味推薦!十大Android必备健康食譜App是關於食譜APP。15個和食譜APP相關的應用在以下列表中展示,包含Healthify Weight Loss Coach, Lifesum: Calorie Tracker, Cookpad:美食食譜與簡易家常料理等等。文章更新時間為2021年07月02日。
ShapeUp Club is a food and exercise diary. Lose up to 2 lbs/week, or just keep track of your eating habits.
After cooking your recipe, other people can post the photo of their own attempt and others can comment.
Change starts here. 8fit is your mobile personal trainer. Enjoy quick workout routines combined with a simple healthy meal planner tailored for you.
Get dinner on the table with less fuss and more fun! Allrecipes’ Dinner Spinner gives you instant access to Allrecipes’ amazing collection of member-shared recipes, photos, ratings and reviews from a community of more than 30 million home cooks.
BigOven's mission is to help home cooks get inspired and organized, in the kitchen and on the go. BigOven helps home cooks get better meals on the table. Cooks can:
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